import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; /** * @author Eric Durant * Created on November 17, 2011 * Last updated November 17, 2011 * Java sample solutions for Op 2011 */ public class Op2011 { /** * Console menu allowing selection of any of the 9 demo solutions * @param args (unused) */ public static void main(String[] args) { boolean done = false; while(!done) { System.out.println("Op 2011 Demo Program"); System.out.println("1. Law of cosines"); System.out.println("2. Crossword helper"); System.out.println("3. Length of rope"); System.out.println("4. Euclidean algorithm"); System.out.println("5. Newton's method"); System.out.println("6. Sudoku predicate"); System.out.println("7. Sudoku potential moves"); System.out.println("8. Image processing"); System.out.println("9. Degrees of separation"); System.out.println("0. Exit"); int choice = -1; // invalid while (choice > 9 || choice < 0) { if (sc.hasNextInt()) { choice = sc.nextInt(); sc.nextLine(); // dump CR from stream } else; // discard non-int token } switch(choice) { case 1: prob1(); break; case 2: prob2(); break; case 3: prob3(); break; case 4: prob4(); break; case 5: prob5(); break; case 6: prob6(); break; case 7: prob7(); break; case 8: prob8(); break; case 9: prob9(); break; case 0: done = true; break; } } } /** * Problem 1. Law of cosines (10 Points) */ public static void prob1() { /* Write a program that asks the user for the length of 2 sides of a triangle and the angle between them * in degrees (not radians). Your program will calculate and output the length of the other side using * the law of cosines, c^2 = a^2 + b^2 – 2 ab cos gamma, where a and b are the 2 input sides, * gamma is the angle between them, and c is the third side. */ final double a = inputDouble("Side a? "); final double b = inputDouble("Side b? "); final double gammaDegrees = inputDouble("Angle gamma (degrees)? "); final boolean valid = a > 0 && b > 0; if (valid) { final double c = Math.sqrt(a*a+b*b-2*a*b*Math.cos(gammaDegrees/180*Math.PI)); System.out.println("The other side is " + c + '.'); } else { System.err.println("Those values don't describe a valid triangle."); } } /** * Problem 2. Crossword helper (10 Points) */ public static void prob2() { /* Write a program that generates simple clues in the form of “n-letter word that begins with ‘x’” * after the user enters a word. For example, if the user enters “Crossword” your program would * output “9-letter word that begins with ‘C’”. Case is not important, but be sure to handle * the error when the user enters a blank word by displaying the message “must have at least 1 * letter” and/or making the user enter another word. That is the only error you need to handle. */ //final String word = inputLine("Enter a word: "); System.out.print("Enter a word: "); final String word = sc.nextLine(); if(word.isEmpty()) { System.err.println("must have at least 1 letter"); } else { System.out.println(((Integer)word.length()).toString() + "-letter that begins with '" + word.charAt(0) + '\''); } } /** * Problem 3. Length of rope (10 Points) */ public static void prob3() { /* A thin rope is wrapped around some small pegs. The user will type in the number of pegs * followed by their (x,y) coordinates and your program will output the length of the rope. * You must prompt the user so they know which value they are to enter (e.g., “Number of pegs?”, * “Y value for peg 3?”). If they enter 0 pegs or a negative number, print an error message * such as “Invalid number of pegs.” You may assume the user enters only real numbers for the * positions and only integers for the number of pegs. Note that if there is only 1 peg the * length of the rope is 0. */ final int n = inputUnsignedInt("Input number of pegs: "); if (n < 1) { System.err.println("Invalid number of pegs."); } else { double length = 0, xPrev = Double.NaN, yPrev = Double.NaN; for (int peg = 1; peg <= n; ++peg) { final double x = inputDouble("X value for peg " + peg + "? "); final double y = inputDouble("Y value for peg " + peg + "? "); if (peg > 1) { length += Math.sqrt((x-xPrev)*(x-xPrev)+(y-yPrev)*(y-yPrev)); } xPrev = x; yPrev = y; } System.out.println("The length of the rope is " + length + '.'); } } /** * Problem 4. Euclidean algorithm (20 Points) */ public static void prob4() { /* You will prompt the user for 2 positive integers (you may assume they’re entered correctly) * and then calculate and display their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is the largest integer * that divides them both without leaving a remainder. You must implement and use the “Euclidean * algorithm” to calculate the GCD; you may want to write a function to do this. * * Example of GCD: 6 is the GCD of 408 and 906 since (a) it evenly divides both numbers * (408 = 6 × 68 and 906 = 6 × 151) and (b) it is the greatest/largest number to do so. * * The Euclidean algorithm is an efficient way to find the GCD of 2 integers. Here are its steps: * 1. Start with the 2 numbers, a and b. * 2. If either a or b is 0, the other number is the GCD and you’re finished. * 3. Replace the larger number with its remainder when divided by the smaller number. This can be calculated using the % operator in Java and C++. * 4. Go to step 2. * * Example of the Euclidean algorithm for a = 408 and b = 906: * • b is larger, so it is replaced with b%a = 906%408. So, b becomes 90 (906 = 2 × 408 + 90). * • a is larger, so it is replaced with a%b = 408%90. So, a becomes 48 (408 = 4 × 90 + 48). * • b is larger, so it is replaced with b%a = 90%48. So, b becomes 42. * • a is larger, so it is replaced with a%b = 48%42. So, a becomes 6. * • b is larger, so it is replaced with b%a = 42%6. So, b becomes 0. * • One of the numbers (b) is now 0, so the other number (a) is the answer (6). */ int a = inputUnsignedInt("a? "); int b = inputUnsignedInt("b? "); if (b >= a && a != 0) { b %= a; } assert b <= a : b; do { if (b != 0) { a %= b; } if (a == 0) { break; // do } else { b %= a; } } while (b != 0); System.out.println("The GCD is " + Math.max(a, b) + '.'); } /** * Problem 5. Newton’s method (20 Points) */ public static void prob5() { /* Newton’s method is an algorithm for finding where a function reaches 0. * It works by starting with a guess of an x value and calculating f(x). * Since x is only a guess, f(x) != 0. The algorithm calculates y = f(x) and * the slope of the function at the point (x,y). In calculus, this slope * is called the first derivative and it is also a function that varies with x; * it is symbolized f’(x). Newton’s method makes use of f(x) (how close we are * to the goal of 0) and f’(x) (how quickly and in which direction the function * is sloping at x) to make a new guess x for the value where the function reaches 0: * x := x – f(x) / f’(x) * := means that x is assigned a new value. This is just = (the assignment operator) * in Java or C++, but := is used to make clear that this is not an algebraic equation * stating 2 quantities are equivalent. * * Specifically, you will work with * y = f(x) = a6 x^6 + a5 x^5 + a4 x^4 + a3 x^3 + a2 x^2 + a1 x + a0 * f’(x) = 6 a6 x^5 + 5 a5 x^4 + 4 a4 x^3 + 3 a3 x^2 + 2 a2 x + a1 * where a6 = -0.09, a5 = 1.6108, a4 = -10.9167, a3 = 34.7625, a2 = -52.0433, a1 = 31.1767, and a0 = -4. * These values are exact – do not round them or remove any digits. They should be constants in your program * that can be easily changed. Here is a plot of the function and its derivative (local slope): [see handout] * * Your program will ask the user for the initial guess of x and then run Newton’s algorithm several * times to find a more accurate value of x where f(x) reaches 0. You will keep finding a better * value until the absolute value of y is less than 0.001. You must output the guess x after each * iteration. For example, if the user enters a guess of 5, your program must refine the guess since * f(5) = 0.6760. It would ultimately find something near f(4.8782) = -0.00025. */ final double[] a = new double[] {-4, 31.1767, -52.0433, 34.7625, -10.9167, 1.6108, -0.09}; double x = inputDouble("Initial guess of x value at 0-crossing? "); final double tol = 0.001; System.out.println("Initial position: f(" + x + ") = " + f(a, x)); // initial value does NOT need to be output while (Math.abs(f(a, x)) > tol) { x -= f(a, x) / df(a, x); // univariate Newton iteration System.out.println("Refined zero: f(" + x + ") = " + f(a, x)); // output after each step is required } } private static double f(double[] a, double x) { // Horner's method double y = a[a.length-1]; for (int idx = a.length-2; idx >= 0; --idx) { y *= x; y += a[idx]; } return y; } private static double df(double[] a, double x) { // f' by Horner's method double y = (a.length-1) * a[a.length-1]; for (int idx = a.length-2; idx >= 1; --idx) { y *= x; y += idx * a[idx]; } return y; } /** * Problem 6. Sudoku predicate (20 Points) */ public static void prob6() { /* Write a function (and a program to use it) that determines whether a particular number can be placed * in a particular square on a Sudoku board. Sudoku is a game played on a 9×9 grid where you start with * several cells containing numbers 1 through 9, which are the only valid numbers in the game. The goal * is to fill the entire grid so that in any row and any column each number 1 through 9 appears exactly * once. Also, the 9×9 board is divided like a tic-tac-toe board into 9 3×3 subregions, and each * subregion must contain each number exactly once. It may be helpful to see this article for an * illustration: * * Your function does not implement any Sudoku strategy; it just checks whether the 3 basic rules are * satisfied for a new move that the player is trying to make. You can assume that the board does not * violate any of the 3 rules before the move is made. Your function takes 4 arguments: * • a 9×9 array of int (created in Java with int[][] A = new int[9][9]; for example). * You will have to decide how to represent empty squares. You might use 0 since that is not one of the 9 valid moves. * • A row number from 0 to 8 * • A column number from 0 to 8 * • A move to try to make in the given row and column, a number from 1 through 9. * * Your function returns the boolean (bool in C++) true if the move would not violate any of the 3 rules and false otherwise. * You also must write a test program that prompts the user for a row, column, and move to try. * If the row and column is already filled, report the error, otherwise call the function and use the result * to tell the user whether that move violates the rules. Declare an array representing the following board * and use it for testing: [see handout] * Rows and columns are numbered from the upper left starting at (0,0). We can see that the square at (0,0) * is empty and it cannot contain 8, 5, 1, or 7 because of the column rule; 2, 7, 8, or 4 because of the * row rule; or 2, 8, 6, 5, 4, 7 because of the subregion rule. So, if the user tries to put an 8 there, * your function will return false. But, since the number 3 does not violate any of these rules, your * function would return true. (Note that this does not mean that 3 is the correct move in the solved puzzle, * but just that it is a move that meets the rules; that is all you need to check.) */ int row = inputUnsignedInt("row? "); int col = inputUnsignedInt("col? "); int move = inputUnsignedInt("move? "); System.out.println("Truth value of that being a valid move:" + sudokuCheck(board, row, col, move)); } private static final int[][] board = { {0, 0, 2, 0, 7, 8, 4, 0, 0}, {8, 6, 0, 0, 4, 5, 1, 0, 0}, {5, 4, 7, 2, 9, 1, 6, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 8, 0, 0, 6, 0, 4, 0}, {7, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0}, {0, 9, 4, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 5, 0, 6, 4, 0, 0, 1}, {0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0} }; private static final int sudokuRoot = 3; private static final int sudokuSize = sudokuRoot*sudokuRoot; private static boolean sudokuCheck(int[][] board, int row, int col, int move) { assert board.length == sudokuSize : board; assert board[0].length == sudokuSize: board; // not a complete check of size, could be jagged boolean validMove = (sudokuSize >= move) && (move >= 1) // 1-based && (sudokuSize > row) && (row >= 0) // 0-based && (sudokuSize > col) && (col >= 0) && (board[row][col] == 0); // empty space? if (validMove) { // row check for(int c = 0; c < sudokuSize; ++c) { //if (c == col) { // not actually needed since we verified the putative move is to an empty spot // continue; //} else if (board[row][c] == move) { validMove = false; // proposed move already made in this row break; } } } if (validMove) { // col check for(int r = 0; r < sudokuSize; ++r) { if (board[r][col] == move) { validMove = false; break; } } } if (validMove) { // subregion check row = (row / sudokuRoot) * sudokuRoot; // find subregion origin col = (col / sudokuRoot) * sudokuRoot; // destructive, must come last for (int r = 0; validMove && r < sudokuRoot; ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < sudokuRoot; ++c) { if (board[row+r][col+c] == move) { validMove = false; break; // for c } } } } return validMove; } /** * Problem 7. Sudoku potential moves (40 Points) */ public static void prob7() { /* You should complete problem 6 before working on this problem. * You may work on this problem before your problem 6 is graded, but be aware that any errors * in your solution to 6 will probably prevent you from solving this problem. * But, since you must implement 6 in a function, it should be easy to copy and paste any * corrections you make to 6 over to your working area for this problem. * * Write a program that uses your function from 6 and a new function that you will write for this problem. * The new function takes 3 arguments (the same as the first 3 from the solution to problem 6) and returns * an array of int of length 0 to 9 containing all the valid moves for the given square (In C++ you may also * want to pass an argument by reference to receive the size of the array.). Call your function written in * 6 to determine whether a move is valid. * * The main program you write for this problem will define the 9×9 board as in problem 7 and then call * your new function for every empty square. Depending on the size of the returned array, print one of * the following sentences, filling in (x,y) and move values according to the data: * • “There are 0 valid moves for square (x,y), so the board is invalid.” * [This shouldn’t happen because you’re promised a valid board, but checking may be helpful in debugging your code.] * • “There is 1 valid move for square (x,y) and it is N. You should make this move.” * • “There are multiple valid moves for square (x,y) and they are N O P Q.” * [Note: example for 4 possibilities; there may be anywhere from 2 to 9.] */ for (int row = 0; row < sudokuSize; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < sudokuSize; ++col) { if (board[row][col] == 0) { int[] moves = sudokuEnumerate(board, row, col); if (moves.length == 0) { System.err.println("There are 0 valid moves for square ("+row+","+col+"), so the board is invalid."); } else if (moves.length == 1) { System.out.println("There is 1 valid move for square ("+row+","+col+") and it is "+moves[0]+". You should make this move."); } else { // more than 1 move System.out.print("There are multiple valid moves for square ("+row+","+col+") and they are"); for(int move : moves) { System.out.print(" " + move); } System.out.println(); } } } } } private static int[] sudokuEnumerate(int[][] board, int row, int col) { int valid[] = new int[sudokuSize]; // alloc max, correct not yet known int count = 0; for(int move = 1; move <= sudokuSize; ++move) { if (sudokuCheck(board, row, col, move)) { valid[count++] = move; } } int retVal[] = new int[count]; // alloc correct java.lang.System.arraycopy(valid, 0, retVal, 0, count); return retVal; } /* // alternate approach using "frequency" algorithm private static int[] sudokuEnumerate(int[][] board, int row, int col) { List valid = new ArrayList(sudokuSize); // capacity, not size for(int move = 1; move <= sudokuSize; ++move) { valid.add(sudokuCheck(board, row, col, move)); } int[] moves = new int[java.util.Collections.frequency(valid, true)]; for(int idx = 0, move = 1; idx != moves.length && move <= sudokuSize; ++move) { if(valid.get(move-1)) { moves[idx++] = move; } } return moves; } */ /** * Problem 8. Image Processing (40 points) * Find and label the contiguous elements of a monochrome image. * @author Dr. Welch 2006; Dr. Durant tweaks 11/2009 */ public static void prob8() { // Set-up for file input Scanner freader = null; while (freader == null) { try { freader = new Scanner(new File(inputLine("Image filename (e.g., 'image1.txt'): "))); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Sorry, that file wasn't found, please try again."); } } // Read the data final int rows = freader.nextInt(); final int cols = freader.nextInt(); freader.nextLine(); // skip \n // Initialize data List data = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { data.add(new StringBuffer(freader.nextLine())); } // Begin scan char code = 'A'; for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) { // The first column is different if (r != 0) { // Look only if pixel if (data.get(r).charAt(0) == '*') { // Look above if (data.get(r-1).charAt(0) != ' ') { data.get(r).setCharAt(0, data.get(r-1).charAt(0)); } // Look above-right else if (data.get(r-1).charAt(1) != ' ') { data.get(r).setCharAt(0, data.get(r-1).charAt(1)); } else { data.get(r).setCharAt(0, code); ++code; } } } for (int c = 1; c < cols; ++c) { // Look only if pixel if (data.get(r).charAt(c) == '*') { char left = data.get(r).charAt(c-1); // If first row only look left if (r == 0) { // Look left if (left != ' ') { data.get(r).setCharAt(c, left); } } else { // Get info char above_left = data.get(r-1).charAt(c-1); char above = data.get(r-1).charAt(c); char above_right = ' '; if (c != cols-1) above_right = data.get(r-1).charAt(c+1); // Look left if (left != ' ') { data.get(r).setCharAt(c, left); } // Look above-left else if (above_left != ' ') { data.get(r).setCharAt(c, above_left); } // Look above else if (above != ' ') { data.get(r).setCharAt(c, above); } // Look above-right else if (above_right != ' ') { data.get(r).setCharAt(c, above_right); } else { data.get(r).setCharAt(c, code); ++code; } // Check for merge: left or above-left with above-right if (((left != ' ') || (above_left != ' ')) && (above_right != ' ') && (data.get(r).charAt(c) != above_right)) { prob8_merge(data,data.get(r).charAt(c), above_right); } } } } } for (StringBuffer row : data) { for (int c = 0; c < row.length(); ++c) { System.out.print(row.charAt(c)); } System.out.println(); } } /** * Helper method to merge two classifications. Substitute area1 for area2 throughout the image * @param data collection of image lines * @param area1 value for both classifiers * @param area2 classifier to replace */ private static void prob8_merge(List data, char area1, char area2) { // Loop through each row and column substituting area1 for area2 for (StringBuffer row : data) { for (int c = 0; c < row.length(); ++c) { if (row.charAt(c) == area2) row.setCharAt(c, area1); } } } /** * STL-style pair class (nested, top-level) for use in degrees of separation project * @author Dr. Durant ( * * @param the type of the left element * @param the type of the right element */ private static class Pair { public final L left; public final R right; public Pair(final L left, final R right) { this.left = left; this.right = right; } } /** * Problem 9. Degrees of separation (40 points) */ public static void prob9() { // Note, there are several errors, including malformed file errors, that we do not check for. Student may assume a valid input file Scanner fsc = null; try { fsc = new Scanner(new File(inputLine("Filename (e.g., separation1.txt): "))); // competitors may hardcode or prompt for filename, but MUST read from a file } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("The file was not found - will now terminate in an ugly manner."); System.exit(-1); } final int people = fsc.nextInt(); List > pair = new ArrayList >(); while(fsc.hasNextInt()) { pair.add(new Pair (fsc.nextInt(), fsc.nextInt())); // Per the problem spec, using 0-base } int[][] degrees = new int[people][people]; for (int row = 0; row < people; ++row) for (int col = 0; col < people; ++col) degrees[row][col] = 9999; // sentinel for infinity for (Pair pa : pair) degrees[pa.left][pa.right] = degrees[pa.right][pa.left] = 1; for (int person = 0; person < people; ++person) degrees[person][person] = 0; // using FULL until now; TRIU optimized below boolean foundShorter = true; while(foundShorter) { foundShorter = false; for (int row = 0; row < people; ++row) for (int col = 0; col < row; ++col) // TRIU only for (int between = 0; between < people; ++between) if (between != row && between != col) { int via = degrees[row][between] + degrees[between][col]; if (via < degrees[row][col]) { degrees[row][col] = degrees[col][row] = via; // maintain FULL for simplified lookup foundShorter = true; // don't terminate while (complete fors regardless) } } } final int person1 = inputInt(String.format("Person 1 (0-%d): ", people-1)); // 0-base final int person2 = inputInt(String.format("Person 2 (0-%d): ", people-1)); System.out.printf("The degrees of separation are %d.\n", degrees[person1][person2]); } /** * prompt for int, skipping any invalid preamble * @param prompt prompt to display * @return the entered int */ public static int inputInt(String prompt) { System.out.print(prompt); while (!sc.hasNextInt()); // discard non-int token //return sc.nextInt(); int retVal = sc.nextInt(); sc.nextLine(); // dump CR from stream return retVal; } /** * prompt for unsigned int, skipping any invalid preamble * @param prompt prompt to display * @return the entered int */ public static int inputUnsignedInt(String prompt) { System.out.print(prompt); int retval = -1; while (retval < 0) { while (!sc.hasNextInt()); // discard non-int token retval = sc.nextInt(); } sc.nextLine(); // dump CR from stream return retval; } /** * prompt for a double, skipping any invalid preamble * @param prompt prompt to display * @return the entered double */ public static double inputDouble(String prompt) { System.out.print(prompt); while (!sc.hasNextDouble()); // discard non-matching token //return sc.nextDouble(); double retVal = sc.nextDouble(); sc.nextLine(); // dump CR from stream return retVal; } public static String inputLine(String prompt) // Simple prompt for a line of text { System.out.print(prompt); String retval; // Key here is to discard empty lines (including \n's left in the buffer), but we make it a more robust to whitespace... do { retval = sc.nextLine(); retval = retval.trim(); } while (retval.length() == 0); return retval; } private final static Scanner sc = new Scanner(; }