Lab Submission Directions for Dr. Hasker's Section

  1. Write your solution and test it throughly.
  2. Labs 7 and 8: include javadoc comments for each class (naming the author), each attribute, and each method.
  3. Labs 6-10: your solution will be graded for style as well as correctness. In addition to a banner comment at the top of the file, you must take care of the following: NOTE: you can fix most formatting issues by doing the following in Intellij:
  4. Use Blackboard to submit your solution. Navigate to SE 1011, click on the Content button on the left, and then click on the assignment. Upload your .java source file(s). Note the following:
  5. Special instructions by lab:

    As always, if you have any questions just ask!


    By default, Windows is configured to not show extensions such as ".java" for file names. This causes problems for engineering students. A simple fix is to enable showing extensions: click here for directions on doing this.