SE 1011: Software Development I, Fall 2013, Section 031

Instructor: Rob Hasker (414-277-7326)

Office hours: See my home page:

Text: Introduction to Programming with Java, 2nd Ed., by Dean and Dean, McGraw-Hill, 2014. ISBN: 978-0-07-337606-6

Course Description: This course provides an introduction to object-oriented software development using the Java programming language. Emphasis is placed on translating written problem descriptions into robust software solutions. Topics covered include Java program structure, algorithmic problem solving and modularization, I/O statements, control constructs, looping techniques, class libraries, user defined classes and methods, arrays, and ArrayLists.
Prereq: none

Course Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, the student will


Lab projects:   25%
Quizzes & homework:  15%
Exam I  20%
Exam II  20%
Final Exam:  20%
Total: 100%

Additional Notes

  1. Regularly check my class web site for new materials.
  2. You must periodically check your MSOE email.
  3. Unless announced otherwise, labs and homeworks are to be individual efforts. Computer code is much like written text. Although it is OK to look at another student's code with them to help them fix an error, it is not OK to have a copy of another student's code at any time or in any form.
  4. Lab solutions which do not run or which do not produce some correct output will be worth 0 points. However, you can get partial credit for partially working solutions, though if you are having problems completing an assignment then it's a good time to see your instructor!
  5. Unless otherwise announced, the penalty for a late solution is 10% of the total points for the assignment. This penalty applies for a solution that is even one minute late, but also applies to a solution that is turned in a week late. Unless other arrangements have been made, for a solution must be submitted before the first exam period of finals week to count in your grade.
  6. An exam missed because of an excused absence (such as illness or participation in an authorized university activity) can be made up by either taking a make-up exam or by increasing the weight of the remaining exams. The instructor will determine which is more appropriate. Except for illnesses, the instructor must be notified in advance. In the case of an illness, contact the instructor as soon as you can get to a phone or computer. Exams cannot be retaken to improve your grade. Except when excused in advance, you must take the final exam to receive a passing grade in the course.
  7. Academic misconduct: You are responsible for honestly completing and representing your work, for appropriately citing sources, and for respecting the academic endeavors of others. Electronic tools may be used to identify plagiarism. You will be penalized for violating these standards and may even be expelled from the university.
  8. DO NOT SKIP CLASS! If you do happen to miss, be sure to check for new materials and get the notes you missed from a friend before the next class period. You are responsible for anything missed!
  9. You have the right to miss class for religious observances. Notify your instructor of planned absences in advance.
  10. Reasonable accommodations will be provided for students with physical, sensory, cognitive, systemic, and psychiatric disabilities. Please discuss any accommodations you may need with your instructor.
  11. You are expected to read the text chapters and other materials as assigned.