SE 1011 (Hasker's Section):
Exercise 1
Due: Monday, Nov. 10 at 5 pm
You can work individually or in pairs on this, but each student must submit
his or her own solutions.
- Set up an account
using your MSOE email address
- When logged in, clicked on Preferences and enter your name.
- Still on preferences, enter your instructor's email address in Share To.
- Go back to CodingBat home
- Click on "All Java Sections" then "Array-2".
- Do the following (you should be able to complete the first three by the
end of the hour):
- countEvens
- lucky13
- has22
- sum13 (start by computing the sum of the array, then use the fact
that you can add one to the for loop index to skip an element)
- fizzArray (note we did this in class, you just need to return the
array at the end; for instance, given int[] nums = new int[100];,
the code return nums; returns the array.)
- Extra credit: shiftLeft, zeroFront
Don't forget to log in each time you work in CodingBat! Otherwise it will
not record your progress.