SE 498: Advanced Web Development, Spring 2015

Instructor: Rob Hasker (414-277-7326)

Office hours: See my home page:

Text: Agile Web Development with Rails 4, by Ruby, Thomas, & Hansson, The Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2013. ISBN 978-1-937785-56-7.

Supplements, available online:

Course Description:

Advanced methods for building interactive, database-backed web sites and applications. This course introduces using various frameworks to develop rich, maintainable applications. The Ruby on Rails framework is covered in depth, but other frameworks will be covered as well. Additional topics include integrating search engines and web application security.

Prereq: SE 2840, Web Application Development, or CS 321, Computer Graphics.

Format: 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours, 3 credits

Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:


Labs, assignments, and quizzes:  20%
Project  20%
Presentation  20%
Midterm Exam  20%
Final Exam  20%
Total: 100%


Course materials will be posted at my class web site I also use email extensively; I expect you are reading your MSOE email at least once a day.

Assignments, labs, and quizzes

Lab solutions which do not run or which do not produce some correct output will be worth 0 points. However, you can get partial credit for partially working solutions. Do not hesitate to ask for help on labs and assignments either in my office or by email. Unless a specific policy is announced, late solutions will be penalized at 5% per day.

Assignments are individual unless we explicitly state otherwise. It is OK to look at another student's code with them to help them fix an error, but it is not OK to have a copy of another student's code at any time or in any form. Electronic tools may be used to identify plagiarism, and students guilty of either copying or "loaning" out their code will be penalized.

Programs will be graded for both correctness (does it work right?) and presentation (does it look good on the printed page?). I will not be handing out an extensive style sheet for this course, but at a minimum you must do the following:

Reasonable accommodations will be provided for students with physical, sensory, cognitive, systemic, and psychiatric disabilities. Please discuss any accommodations you may need with your instructor.


Do not skip class! If you do happen to miss, be sure to check for new materials and get the notes you missed from a friend before the next class period. You are responsible for anything missed! If you need to be excused from class for MSOE activities or religious observances, be sure to me know in advance. If you're sick, it's obviously not a good idea to come to class. This includes days on which there are exams; just be sure to contact me as soon as you can get to a phone or computer. The instructor will determine if a make-up exam will be taken or the weight of the final will be increased.