We cannot cover all patterns in SE 2811, so part of your grade will be working in a group to present an additional pattern. You can decide which pattern to cover, but do not cover one that will be covered in lecture. In addition to the ones already covered, I plan to cover the command pattern, model/view/controller, proxy, facade, and adapter.
Working in groups of 3 or 4 students, research a pattern, develop an application illustrating that pattern, and prepare a fifteen to twenty-minute presentation on the pattern. The presentation can be mostly based on how the pattern worked in your implementation, but the viewer must come away with a core understanding of how the pattern works, when it might be applicable, and what the consequences are (both good and bad).
At least one team member must review the presentation plans with the instructor at least two days before the presentation.
How you divide up the work is up to the team, but all must participate in a meaningful way. In particular, everyone must either present or write the implementation. A significant part of your grade will be based on a short report you write stating how you contributed.