Download and complete the TODO items. Note that when you run your solution, it will wait for you to enter lines at the console, and it should print back those lines which are longer than 4 characters. Do not add extra prompts.
When finished (or even to check that you have part of your solution working), upload your solution to esubmit.
Note to students in other sections: You won't be able to submit to eSubmit unless your instructor has created an account. However, you can simply test your code on the input; you should get the output in test1.out. When you run the program in IntelliJ, you can just enter the words (one per line) and it should print the longer words back. You'll have to use the red square to terminate the program since IntelliJ does not provide a consistent way to mark the end of the input (that is, generate an end-of-file character).