SE 498: Advanced Web Development
Fall, 2016
Final Exam
- Tuesday, Nov. 15, 8-9:52 AM, S 362
- No calculators.
- The exam will be comprehensive.
- You may bring one (up to) 8.5 by 11 page of notes, front and back
- Week 1, (L1: no class) L2: Note 1:
Intro, Rails voting demo
- Week 2
- Week 3
- L1: Note 3b: More on Ruby, Rails
- L2: Note 4: More voting
detail; Read Agile Web Development with Rails 4, chs. 18, 19, 20
Start Rails Project
Start Assignment 1: Validation and
Unit Testing (Ch. 7); Due: Tuesday, Sept. 27 at 5 p.m.
- Lab 3: Displaying the
Time Entries (Ch. 8); Due: Thursday, Sept. 29 at 11:59 p.m.
- Week 4:
- L1: Quiz 2, Assignment 2:
Marking Time (Ch. 9, 10); Due:
Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 5
p.m. Thursday, Oct. 6 at 5 p.m.
- L2: Note 6: Routing and
Ajax/Javascript support with RJS/JS.ERB files
Upcoming: Independent Project Proposal in Blackboard
- Lab: completing work through AS 2.
- Week 5:
- L1: further discussion of Note 6
- L2: Finishing note 6
- Lab: Lab 4: Adding Ajax (Ch. 11)
Start independent rails projects
- Week 6:
- L1: Note 7: Review, ActiveRecord,
ActionDispatch, ActionController
- L2: Midterm
- Lab: Continuing independent rails project
- Week 7:
- Week 8:
- L1: Completed Note
10 on Apache Solr
- L2: Web Application Security (Charles Woodward) - see Blackboard
- Lab: Working on independent projects
- Week 9:
- Week 10: