SE 2811 - Software Component Design
Winter 2018, Hasker
Other Resources
- Week 1
- Week 2
- Week 3
- Lecture 1: Exercise 3
- Lecture 2: Lab 2 work day
- Lecture 3: quiz on Lab 3, start Lab 3
- Lab 3: flower bed simulator
- Week 4
- Optional reading: Software Design Principles: Ch. 1,
Coupling, Cohesion
- Lecture 1: Note
5: OOA&D
- Lecture 2: Note
6: Cohesion and coupling
- Lecture 3: quiz (over material from note 3 on), continued
discussion on cohesion and coupling
- Lab: finish lab 3
- (Holiday break)
- Week 5
- Week 6
- Reading: JDPE Ch. 20
- Lecture 1: Midterm
- Lecture 2: Note 8: Observer
- Lecture 3: Note 9: Threads
- Lab: Lab 5: Observing Buses
- Week 7
- Week 8
- Reading: JDPE Ch. 9
- Lecture 1: Quiz; Note
12: Command pattern, continued
- Lecture 2: Note 13:
Composite pattern; start
on presentations
- Lecture 3: presentations
- Lab: continue work on presentations
- Week 9
- Reading: JDPE Chs. 2, 4, 26, 24, 13
- Lecture 1: Note 14: Factory,
Note 15: Proxy patterns
- Lecture 2: Note 16: Visitor
- Lecture 3: Quiz, pattern discussion & presentation prep
- Lab 6: Commanding Calculators
- Week 10
- Final:
- Comprehensive
- Closed book, closed note