SE 3800 Final Exam Review
Review Questions
- See the review questions for exam 1
- Note 2: see discussion on virtual
machines, Vagrant
- Note 5: Beyond functional testing
- Reliability, linear vs. non-linear systems
- Regression set minimalization
- Qualities of good tests
- System vs. acceptance vs. functional testing
- Why write automated tests
- Acceptance tests/BDD in Cucumber: Given/And/When/Then, step
- Regular Expressions
- ab, a|b, [ab-e], [^0-9], *, +, \w, \d, \s
- ^, $
- Note 6
- Technique for GUI testing in Java
- Shortcut 7 (Ch. 3): Scrum Staging
(Note 7)
- Ensuring team stays together, sustainable development
- Shortcut 8 (Ch. 3): Sprints & Planning
(also Note 7)
- Effective capacity (< 40 hrs/week)
- How to handle small amounts of available capacity during planning.
- 7 P's
- Shortcut 9 (Ch. 3): Impediment Control
(also Note 7)
- ConTROL: Confirm, Triage, Remove, Outline, Learn
- Ensuring blocks are visible
- Note 8: Alternative Processes
- Limitations of Scrum
- Core requirements for process: communication, planning,
modeling, construction, deployment
- Waterfall model (including advantages, disadvantages)
- Iterative model (including advantages, disadvantages)
- Spiral model, introduction of risk assessment
- Rational Unified Process (basic structure)
- Agile manifesto
- XP, FDD, Kanban
- Model-based development: goals, advantages, disadvantages, limitations
- Note 9: Ethics
- Issues at Volkswagen, Chrysler
- Primary, secondary principles as discussed in class; example:
- Primary: Software engineers shall act consistently with the
public interest
- Secondary: Accept full responsibility for work, moderate
interests of employer against public, approve software only if
it's safe and has been tested, disclose potential harms to the public
- Know the basic topics of the 7 primary principles
- Be able to explain the secondary principles/associate them
with primaries
- Note 10: Reviews
- Robust reviews:
- Reviewing product, setting agenda, limiting debate,
don't solve problems, take written notes, limit #
participants, checklists, schedule, limit length
- Roles: leader, producer, recorder, reviewers
- Note 11: Projects
- 4 Ps: people, product, process, project
- MOI model
- Risk management; know examples from categories
- Analyzing risks, risk exposure
- 90-90 rule
- Top 10 signs a project is in trouble (at risk of being canceled)
- Note 12: Software Quality
- Project failures
- DO 178C, traceability, software levels
- CMMI levels
- Proving system correctness: goals, method, advantages, limitations