// slist.cpp: simply-linked list with the big 5 #include using namespace std; class SList { class SNode { // can nest classes; note this is private public: string item; SNode *next; SNode(string it, SNode *n = nullptr) // default value : item{it}, next{n} { } } *front, *tail; // note * applies only to next item public: SList() { front = tail = nullptr; } bool empty() const { return front == nullptr; } void push_front(string x) { if ( front ) front = new SNode(x, front); else { front = tail = new SNode(x); } } void push_back(string x) { if ( empty() ) push_front(x); else { tail->next = new SNode(x); tail = tail->next; } } string take_front() { if ( empty() ) throw "error: no first element of empty list"; string result = front->item; SNode *tmp = front->next; delete front; front = tmp; if ( empty() ) tail = nullptr; return result; } void clear() { while ( !empty() ) take_front(); } // extend list by adding copies of source SList& operator+=(const SList &src) { SNode *tmp = src.front; while ( tmp ) { push_back(tmp->item); tmp = tmp->next; } return *this; } // the big 5: ~SList() { clear(); } SList(const SList &src) { front = tail = nullptr; *this += src; } SList& operator=(const SList &src) { if ( this != &src ) { clear(); *this += src; } return *this; } SList(SList &&src) { front = src.front; tail = src.tail; src.front = src.tail = nullptr; } SList& operator=(SList &&src) { if ( this != &src ) { front = src.front; tail = src.tail; src.front = src.tail = nullptr; } return *this; } }; SList operator+(SList a, const SList &b) { a += b; return a; } void print(SList items) { while ( !items.empty() ) cout << items.take_front() << endl; } int main() { SList x; x.push_back("jane"); x.push_back("paul"); SList y = x; // copy constructor print(y); // copy constructor for value parameter cout << "Doubled:" << endl; y = x + x; // move constructor called to transfer from tmp (x+x) to y print(y); }