Notes for SDL Instructors

Overall structure of SDL: The expectation is that by the end of each term, all code meets standards, designs are documented in diagram form, and all work in progress has been merged into the master branch and that all other branches have been closed.

One thing that is not included is a formal user evaluation. Student teams in SDL do not have the resources for such tests. They may be able to run informal tests with small groups of students, but full evaluation with larger groups must be done by the client.

The bulk of the students take SE 3010 in the fall, 3020 in the winter, and 3030 in the spring. However, students start the sequence in any quarter and can have gaps between the courses. As a result, SE 3030 students may be taking the course at the same time as some SE 3020 students. Generally students follow the syllabus of the dominent group of students; all students will follow the SE 3020 syllabus in the winter term even if it is the first or last term in the sequence for some students.

General Instructions

SE 3010

SE 3020

TBD, but three sprints largely evaluated as the third sprint for SE 3010.

SE 3030

TBD, but three sprints largely evaluated as the third sprint for SE 3010.