Additional VM Setup Instructions for CS 2040

This note assumes you have gone through the instructions to set up your VM.

A common issue is that you then need to transfer data back and forth between the VM and the host. There are two solutions:

You might find it helpful to do both!

Another issue is that sometimes you will get an error message along the lines of "no such directory ... /lib" when you run programs or the compiler is using the wrong version. The fix:

  1. Project | Settings...
  2. On the General tab, change WorkingDirectory to $(WorkspacePath) and hit the tab key.
    • As an aside, note this is the directory that will be searched when opening files from within a program, so you will want to put any files at the top level.
  3. Click on Compiler and edit C++ Compiler Options so it reads -g;-O0;-Wall;-std=c++17 then hit the tab key.
  4. Click OK.
Note that it's important to leave the box after changing each entry, otherwise your changes will not "stick."