CS 2400, AI Project

This will cover lab for weeks 8 through 10. You will work in teams to research, implement, and present an AI algorithm that has not been covered in class this term. The goals are


In pairs (or groups of three where required), you will select a topic from the following list. Each topic may be selected by just one group. You will then find an implementation demonstrating the topic and make a significant change to the implementation. You will then use this experience as the basis for a presentation about your topic. The presentation must include the following:

Note that a key part of understandability is identifying potential bias in training sets, especially when the training data is leading to a model of human behavior. Common mistakes include training on just college males or completely failing to disclose the makeup of the training population.

Potential Topics

Other topics will be considered, but obtain approval from your instructor before spending significant time on the topic. For example, deep neural networks are not on the list because they are covered extensively in later courses.

Demonstration System

As discussed above, you are to find a non-trivial implementation related to your topic, to make a non-trivial modification to it, and to demonstrate a working system to the class. Modifications can be to apply the system to a new domain (one not available online) or to incorporate new features. Simply tuning weights is not adequate, though tuning may play an important part in your solution. You will need to cite where you obtained the implementation. When appropriate, also site key developers.

Further notes:


It is critical that you review your presentation with your instructor at least two days in advance of presenting the material to the class. Not all team members must be present at this review, but you must leave time to improve the presentation after the review. Presentations will be delivered during the week 10 lab period. All students will be expected to ask at least one question of at least one other team, and the presentation topics will be reflected on the final exam.

Part of your grade will be the effectiveness of your presentation, mostly based on your slide deck. Important notes about slide decks: