In groups of 3 to 5 students, pick a book related to material covered in SE 3800 and present it to the class. The intent is that the group would pick a book that someone encountered in the work place, had recommended to them, or just read on their own. Books that have been discussed in the past include Cracking the Coding Interview, Domain-Driven Design, Clean Code (I have a copy of this I could loan), Lean UX, Working Effectively with Legacy Code, Code Complete, The Mythical Man Month, and Analysis Patterns: Reusable Object Models. You could pick one of these, but be sure to develop your own materials. But I would deeply appreciate people finding new books - there are a lot of great ideas out there!
Each group will present the book with the basic goal of making people aware of the good ideas in the book and perhaps encourage them to read it. Do not try to cover all of the book; pick the parts that you find the most compelling. Not everyone in the group has to read the full text; you can simply read some portion of it. You might even be able to work from secondary sources.
Ensure your audience gets useful information out of your presentation:
See Canvas for teams and books.