CS 2040, Exercise 2: Better Batters

The Ruby program bstats.rb contains code to read sample.txt and print player names. Revise this code to print on-base percentage defined as the number of hits plus the number of walks divided by the number of at-bats plus the number of walks. Display batter names followed by their on-base percentage (rounded to 4 digits after the decimal); for example:

        Hank Aaron: 0.4117
        Barry Bonds: 0.4428
(These are the statistics for the first two entries in sample.txt.) For full credit, your solution must implement a method called on_base_percentage that computes the statistic for each player. As usual, print 0 if the player has no at-bats or walks.

Submit your code to esubmit.msoe.edu as ex2bb. You are done when you have zero differences.

This code uses programming constructs that have not yet been discussed in class. You can use resources like class notes, the chapters "Classes, Objects, and Variables" and "Containers, Blocks, and Iterators" in Programming Ruby, and Stack Overflow to help figure out the code you are given and to help with making changes. You can also simply guess and experiment!