The goal of this assignment is to give you experience using SableCC and regular expressions to specify lexemes for a simple programming language.
The textbook defines a language it calls "MiniJava". See the appendix for basic information. You are being given a starting point of some code to recognize the complete set of tokens in this language; the goal is to extend this to cover additional cases. The two files you are being given are
: SableCC
source file that (once you have completed it) will recognize all MiniJava
: A wrapper for the
lexical analyzer created by SableCC. You should not have to change this
code. In particular, there is no need to introduce a package declaration.
to include
a number of missing tokens such as while
. You will also
extend it to allow multi-character identifiers, multi-digit numbers, and
more types of comments. esubmit will have additional test cases;
remember you can download all test cases directly from esubmit. For full
credit, your solution must have no differences for any tests; this may mean
adjusting the names of tokens in your mjava.grammar
file so
that you match the printed names in the output.
Submit your solution
to If you are on
campus, you can access the server directly. If you are off campus, you must
run GlobalProtect to get behind the campus firewall. Log in using your
campus username and standard password. Then browse to cs4980cc-h,
select as2lexer as the assignment,
as the "main", and
add mjava.grammar
as an additional file. Click on
the Submit button and it will build and test your code.
in the same folder (this is version 3.7 of SableCC), save (at
least) factorial.mj
, and
java -jar sablecc.jar mjava.grammar javac java Main < factorial.mjNote: be sure to recompile
re-generating the SableCC parser - running the sablecc.jar
file creates .java
files that need to be recompiled.
You can problably get IntelliJ to build your solution, but it's valuable
to learn to run Java from a command prompt. SableCC should work with most
recent versions of Java, but esubmit is currently using
Java8. Message me if you cannot determine how to run Java from a command
prompt and I will update this writeup with more directions as needed.
Note the main
you are given reads from standard input;
the <
symbol above redirects the input from a file rather
than a keyboard.
'/* xyz */'
. Then, add support for
a '/*'
followed by *s appearing
before '*/'
. Finally, allow the comment to appear on
multiple lines.