SE 2800, Hasker: Final Exam Discussion
See the midterm review for important
notes! In particular, discussions about how to answer essay questions
and things to know (such as the Agile manifesto, waterfall model, types
of testing, automated testing) apply to the final as well as the midterm!
Like the midterm, expect a mix of MC (including other select-the-box
question types), fill-in-the-blank, and short essay.
Additional Review Questions
- How are technical stories, bugs, and tasks handled in Scrum?
- Assume you are building a system to check out customers at a
grocery store, but looking up prices are too slow. Write a technical
debt story to replace the lookup by hash tables.
- Give several other, distinct examples of technical debt
- Draw a curve showing how expensive it is to catch errors early
in a project.
- Some organizations use "all (automated) tests pass" as their
DoD. Discuss pro's and con's.
- What would it mean for a story to have 1 point? 20 points?