SE 3800, Assignment 3
User Stories

In this assignment, you will get experience writing stories with clear acceptance criteria. This is a group assignment so you have someone to discuss the stories with; review by a partner improves the results dramatically.

For this assignment, you will write stories for a simple game, Word-within-a-word. In this teaching game, the instructor writes a word on the whiteboard and then has students find as many words as they can using the letters of the original word. For example, if the target word is "onomatopoeia" then the students might come up with poem, name, top, pot, ate, etc. This game could have a mode in which students must use each individual letter just once (disallowing 'mam' in the previous word). The winner could be the person or team that finds the most words, or it could be the team that finds a set of words using as many letters as possible from the target word.

You are to write an API and simple program to support this game. It should allow the user to do the following:

Your API should be delivered in a set of C++ classes that can be used by a GUI program to provide a more interactive game. Note you will not write the GUI version of this game - your program must do all input and output through standard I/O.

For this assignment, write stories capturing how your console I/O system will work. It should cover all of the use cases above. In addition, write a story for entering a candidate word into a GUI, using the GUI to show what target word letters have been matched and circling any letters that do not appear in the target word. This story would be used by a young student to check their answers. Also, write a story that would do the same with a list of words (where the goal is to cover as many target letters as possible).

All stories must have acceptance criteria. Where possible, use the given/when/then format for acceptance criteria as illustrated in the sample Calculator Stories. Be sure your stories cover all of the cases! You may need more than one story for some features. Note that the acceptance criteria in the examples use specific numbers. This is very helpful; it allows the client to see important detail and simplifies writing tests. If relevant, describe ranges of valid inputs. Specific values may be less helpful on some projects, but they are very helpful (and required!) for the types of examples you will write for this assignment. In this course, we will use the term detailed stories to refer to the type of story in which all AC use specific values.


Work in groups of 2 or 3 on this assignment. Your grade for this assignment will have both an individual and a group component, with the bulk of the points being individual. Be sure to review your stories as a group!

Upload your PDF in Canvas for grading as instructed. Note that Canvas is set up for group submissions; any one student in the group can submit, and the others can confirm what was submitted by checking Canvas. As always, you can submit as many times as you like.