SE 3800, Assignment 4
Implementing User Stories from Assignment 3

Working in groups, implement the stories your team wrote for assignment 3. In particular:

The point of this assignment and the next is to give you experience building a complete CI framework for a system. The focus is not on producing a program with lots of features, but to have a robust testing framework for a program with just a few features. Implementing features is an important part of this - designing systems for testability is an important skill - but keep your implementation focused on just enough features to provide a rich example for testing and CI.

Additional Notes

Be sure to include both simple test cases (easily verified by inspection) and more complex cases. However, tests are not sufficient by themselves; include a number of console examples to show how the user sees the system.

Screen shots should be done using the Windows Snipping tool or equivalent. Upload the evidence document to Canvas as a .PDF. In addition, upload a .PDF to Canvas with the stories you implemented, clearly documenting any deviation from stories submitted for assignment 3. Note you will not upload your code to Canvas, just the PDF. I will refer to the repository for the code.