PSEUDOCODE FOR SPA 2 Using this pseudocode is optional but highly recommended. // longestRow should return the largest entry in the table of frequency counts. // For example, if the table has 5, 8, 0, 8, and 2, it would return 8. longestRow(table, start_index, table_size) [standard code to find the maximum of an array, but ignore any entries before start_index] // axisWidth: compute width of the axis needed to display the data in // the given table, again ignoring the entries before start_index. axisWidth(table, start_index, table_size) if longestRow is less than 10 axisWidth = 10 else if longestRow mod 10 is 0 axisWidth = longestRow else axisWidth = longestRow + 10 - longestRow mod 10 return axisWidth // drawHorizontalAxis should draw the horizontal axis up to, // and including the largest increment of 10 that contains // "axisWidth." There will be "+" tick marks every 5 values. drawHorizontalAxis(axisWidth) width = axisWidth write spaces to align the first + with the vertical axis write ----+----+ for width / 10 times print a new line // Label the horizontal axis, writing multiples of 5s and 10s labelHorizontalAxis(axisWidth) width = axisWidth write spaces to align the first + with the vertical axis (note the input allows up to three-digit values; if a larger number is included, the rows may not line up nicely) print a 0 aligned with the vertical axis for index 0 to width if a number is needed print the index if a number is NOT needed, and we are not right after a number print a " " (If an input value occurs more than 99 times, it is ok if the axis labels get out of alignment) print a new line // printTableRow takes a value and a quantity for the value and draws // a single line for that value. For example, if the number // is 12 and it occurs 5 times, print // 12 |##### printTableRow(value, quantity) print the quantity with enough spaces in front of it to line up 3-digit values (you can use setw for this, but you can use other methods as well) print " |" Print "#" quantity times Print a new line // Add functions to read the data and call the above functions to // print the charts