Installing Java and JavaFX

These instructions were originally written by Dr. Taylor for the introductory programming courses for 2022-23. We are following these directions for the Fall, 2024 sections of SWE 2410.

Install Java 17 JDK

Install JavaFX 19

OPTIONAL: Install Scene Builder 19

Many students will find they do not need Scene Builder for SWE 2410, but here are the directions if you are looking for them:

Configure IntelliJ

Set the Project SDK

Add JavaFX to Global Library

Set Run Configuration Template for Application

--module-path "C:\Program Files\Java\javafx-sdk-19\lib" --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml

New IntelliJ Project

All of the steps above must be implemented once, but you'll need to do the following for each new IntelliJ project.

Add the JavaFX SDK library


You may need to update the version number on the javafx-sdk in a similar way to a JDK version change.


If the version of the JDK is different, you will need to use the new version number in the rest of the instructions. E.g., if the version of JDK is 17.0.6, you should replace jdk-17.0.5 with jdk-17.0.6.