The setup for nats.io is comparable in difficulty to installing JavaFX.

Please follow these instructions closely. Particularly important points are highlighted in bold. Don’t miss any of those.

Install Chocolatey

  1. Go to chocolatey.org’s Individual Use install page

  2. Open an Adminstrative powershell: a. Press the Windows key. b. Start to type “powershell” c. Right-click on Windows Powershell within the start menu. Select Run as Administrator.

  3. Go to step 2 of the install instructions and copy the Powershell command. Paste it into your administrative powershell and hit run.

If you have any difficulty with this step, especially if you see errors about ExecutionPolicy, please notify your instructor, even if you are able to overcome these errors.

Install nats.io

  1. Install chocolately as described above.
  2. Open a new Adminstrative cmd prompt: a. Press the Windows key. b. Type “cmd” c. Right-click on Command Prompt within the start menu. Select Run as Administrator.
  3. Run the command choco install nats-server

Start the nats.io server

  1. Install nats.io as described above.
  2. Open a new ordinary cmd prompt:
    1. Press the Windows key.
    2. Type “cmd”
    3. Click on Command Prompt within the start menu.
  3. Run the command nats-server