IntelliJ Notes
Tips for IntelliJ users:
- Visit File | Settings | Editor | Code Style
and set Visual guides to 90. This will draw a line at the 90th
column so you can see when your lines are getting too long.
- To get rid of hard tabs in source files:
Visit File | Settings | Editor | Code Style
| Java, select the Tabs and Indents item at the top,
and clear Use tab character.
- If you have
- Open your code in NotePad to check if your files contain tabs.
- If you accidentally add some tab characters, see below for a fix.
- You might consider moving to a more modern indentation style and
setting Tab size to 2, Indent to 2,
and Continuation indent to 4.
- If you change the formatting, right click on the src folder and
select Reformat Code.
- For a larger font, select File | Settings | Editor
| Font and set Size appropriately.