Best Practices for SDL
Teams should adhere to the following practices, but may vary from them
after consultation with the instructor:
- Git configuration:
- Check-in, check-out as-is. Do not let git try to change your code.
- GitLab Configuration:
- All students on each team should have Developer role, though they
can be given Maintainer role on a temporary basis if needed.
- Disallow pushes to the main and dev branches. This is ensured by going
to Settings, Repository, Branch rules, view
details for either the master or main, Manage in
protected branches, and select No
one for Allowed to push and merge. Allowed to merge
should be set to Maintainers + Developers. Do the same
for dev as well as any staging branches.
- Disallow squash commits, require multi-person
approvals: Settings, Merge requests, set Squash commits
when merging to Do not allow, change Minimum required
approvals to 2, and clear Prevent approval by
author. Save the changes.
Because our instance is hosted on, there is no way to change
the time zone for the project. Reports such as the burndown chart use UTC
times, so to include work that was completed after 6 or 7 pm (depending
on daylight savings time), you sometimes need to advance the date by a
day, capture the chart, and then restore it to the previous day.
Git repositories
- Always push on each commit. That is, do not fall into the dangerous
practice of doing lots of commits locally without pushing those changes
to the Git server, otherwise you and your partners will have huge
conflict resolution sessions that provide little value.
- As discussed above, never squash commits. Squashing
commits makes it impossible for instructors to
determine who did what work, leading to lower grades. However, it is ok
to delete branches; the critical commit history will still be available.
- Never rebase a commit. Doing so increases the chances of losing
code. The git commit history is not a valuable deliverable;
focus on getting the code right rather than having beautiful commit
histories. Use merges to combine branches.
- If you do commit to main by accident, move the commit to the proper
branch. You can either of the methods given by
- Every project should have a doc folder at the top level
capturing key project documentation such as design artifacts and
installation steps. The wiki should be reserved for process-related
items (like sprint reports, knowledge acquisition, etc.), but
anything future developers will need to understand how to build,
deploy, and run the code should be in the doc folder.
- Every project should have a
file at the top
level as described in the syllabus.
Product Backlog Items (PBIs)
- No PBI should be pointed so high that it is expected to
take a full sprint. Always break those PBIs into smaller increments to
ensure forward progress. Otherwise, you are not really using the Scrum
- All PBIs must have acceptance criteria. Acceptance criteria
are not tasks; they are effectively tests that must be
satisfied before the PBI can be labeled as "done".
- Strong acceptance criteria are written using
the given/when/then format:
- Given [the state of the system before executing the action],
- When [the user does some action],
- Then [the system displays some result or takes some action]
For example, a PBI for adding numbers on a calculator might have the
acceptance criteria
Given the user has entered 5, +, 3, when the user presses
the equals key, then the calculator sets the current computed
value to be 8 and displays that on the screen.
Note that it is best to use concrete inputs in your given/when/then
statements, but not always feasible. Things to watch for:
- A given clause along the lines of "given the user wants
to...". User thoughts are not testable. The given clause should talk
about the state of the software system prior to executing the action.
- A given clause stating that the system is running. That
should be assumed, along with the assumption that the user has access
to computational devices and the earth is circling the sun. Identify
preconditions that would impact the PBI in question directly.
- A then clause along the lines of "now the user can take
some action" or "now the user will see correct
results". The then clause in an AC needs to be focused on the
system, not the user.
- At least one AC for each PBI must be in given/when/then
format. Some AC are simple requirements; these need not be listed
using given/when/then. Examples include format requirements or
computation details. But use AC for specifying the basic functionality
to be provided by the PBI.
- User stories start "as a user..." (preferably using a more specific
type of user when applicable). Developers are not users! In these
cases, the story format may not be applicable. For example,
"restructure the database to introduce join tables" probably does not
lead to a project increment that would be visible to end users. If the
restructuring is about improving speed, capture that in the story: the
users would like a faster system. But if there is no way to make the
refactoring visible to end users, just drop the user story format. This
often applies to spikes as well; the developers might need to
experiment with different ways to implement a portion of a system, but
these are for the developer's benefit, not the user (at least not
directly), so spikes sometimes do not follow the story format.
- Because GitLab considers a PBI to be in development as soon as a
developer is assigned to it, do not make the assignment until the
developer actually starts to work on the PBI. Otherwise, it will appear
the team has too many PBIs open at any one time. If it is important to
track which person intends to do which PBI, you can tag the PBI with
that person's name. However, this should not be general practice; it is
assumed anyone on the team can work on any PBI, and it is important
that PBIs be addressed in priority order.
- Break the system into the three primary layers: data layer (domain
classes/information in database), policy layer (code capturing the
rules for the system), and GUI layer (the layer that interracts with
the user).
- Never write raw SQL into a project. Always use an object relational
manager (ORM). They are available for almost all languages and platforms.
- Do not put secrets in the repository. Information like passwords
should be stored in environment variables used on the server and should
never appear in the repository.
- Avoid adding login features to your system too early. Logins are
rarely very interesting - it's typically simply a question on how to
use a library to validate a password, and adding a login requirement
early in a project just means you have to type passwords over and over
again while getting basic functionality to work. If you do have a
login, strongly consider whether you can avoid the login step during
development mode to speed up development.
- Use programming language tools to create path names. For example,
in Javascript
than hardcoding paths like xyz/abc.js
. This allows your
code to run under both Windows and Linux.