Design Review

Teams are asked to present their system design in the fourth sprint of the fall semester. This presentation is to be focused on just the architecture and other design elements; the final semester presentation will be the place to review the features added (or planned) and the process. The design presentation is to be about 10 minutes in length covering

It should be designed so everyone in the room can take away at least one significant observation. Do not write full sentences; the audience will be distracted by reading them and cannot digest the full content.

One to two students should present this, though all need to review it. Do practice the presentation at least once, but do not practice it so many times it becomes rote. If you talk too quickly, your key points will be missed.

Scoring Presentations

Different instructors will evaluate presentations in different ways, but one model is to break the total points into four areas:

  1. Good observations about system design
  2. Uses UML effectively
  3. Practiced, with an appropriate length
  4. Good audience member