SWE 2410 Presentation Project, Part 2


This is a continuation of the first part of the presentation project. For this phase, you will implement a GUI application illustrating your one key advantage of your pattern through a “real-world” application. You will also tweak your presentation based on instructor feedback and changes you choose to make during implementation.

Implementation Requirements

Finalizing Presentations


You will be evaluated on the effectiveness of your presentation, including defining your terminology, tying concepts to the examples you provide, and highlighting the key advantage. The presentation is to be targeted at your peers: students who have studied design patterns but may have no knowledge of the pattern you are presenting. While the final grade will include many factors, a primary portion will be based on the SWE2410 Exhibit Curiosity Rubric:


Submit your revised slides for your presentation presentation to Canvas. In addition, ensure that the source code for your demonstration project is pushed to the git server on the main branch. Finally, submit individual reports as directed by your instructor.