Example Method/Function heading

// HANDLE CreateMsgQueue( char* szQueueName, DWORD dwReadTimeout );
// Abstract: Create a message queue.
// Parameters:
// szQueueName [in] message queue name (case sensitive)
// dwReadTimeout [in] read timeout value in milliseconds
// Returns:
// HANDLE to message queue used by ReadMsgQueue(), WriteMessageQueue(),
// and SetMsgQueueInfo(). A NULL is returned if the queue cannot be
// created or if it already exists.
// Notes:
// dwReadTimeout specifies the time a posted ReadMsgQueue() is to wait for
// an incoming message.
// A dwReadTimeout value of INFINITE specifies an indefinite wait. A value
// of zero specifies no wait.
// Does not check to see if a message queue with the same name
// already exists. Don't create duplicate-named queues!
// Initially, there is no limit to the number of msgs that can be placed
// into a queue. A limit can be set by calling SetMsgQueueWriteInfo().
HANDLE CreateMsgQueue( char* szQueueName, DWORD dwReadTimeout )
   char szEventName[ MAX_PATH ]; // event flag name

#pragma message( "Compiling msgqueue.c with DEBUG_MSGQUEUE" );
printf("\nCreateMsgQueue( %s, %d )", szQueueName, dwReadTimeout );

   if( !gbCSInit )                    // is Critical Section uninitialized?
      gbCSInit = TRUE;
      InitializeCriticalSection( &gCS ); // initialize Critical Section
   if( strlen( szQueueName ) == 0 )
      return( (HANDLE)NULL );          // filename cannot be NULL

   pQhdr = (LPQUEUEHEADER)malloc( sizeof(QUEUEHEADER) );
   if( NULL == pQhdr )                 // can't allocate memory for QUEUEHEADER
      return( (HANDLE)NULL );

   pQhdr->pszQueueName =                      // allocate memory for queue name
   char*)malloc( strlen(szQueueName)+1 );
   if( NULL == pQhdr->pszQueueName )          // can't allocate memory for queue name
      free( pQhdr );
      return( (HANDLE)NULL ); 
   strcpy( pQhdr->pszQueueName, szQueueName ); // copy specified queue name
   pQhdr->pMsgQueue = NULL;                    // initialize ptr to messages in queue
   pQhdr->dwReadTimeoutValue = dwReadTimeout;  // set queue read timeout value
   pQhdr->nMaxMsgs = -1;                       // initial value; this means infinite msgs
   pQhdr->nCurrentMsgs = 0;                    // initial count of msgs in queue
   pQhdr->dwWriteTimeoutValue = 0;             // initial value; means no wait

// this is the event object that is used for Read operations; it is
// used when a pending Read operation is waiting on a queue, and 
// is signaled when something arrives into the queue that can be read.
   strcpy( szEventName, szQueueName );     // Read event flag name
   strcat( szEventName, "_r" );            // "_r" appended to base queue name
   pQhdr->hReadEvent = CreateEvent( NULL,  // security descriptor
                                    FALSE, // F:auto-reset; T:manual-reset
                                    FALSE, // F:non-signaled initially; T:initially signaled
                                    szEventName );

// this is the event object that is used for Write operations; it is
// used when the queue is full and a pending Write operation 
// cannot continue and thus waits on the queue. This event
// is signaled when a Read operation pulls a message off the queue
// thereby allowing another message to be placed into the queue..
   strcpy( szEventName, szQueueName );      // Write event flag name
   strcat( szEventName, "_w" );             // "_w" appended to base queue name
   pQhdr->hWriteEvent = CreateEvent( NULL,  // security descriptor
                                     FALSE, // F:auto-reset; T:manual-reset
                                     FALSE, // F:non-signaled initially; T:initially signaled
                                     szEventName );
   if( (NULL == pQhdr->hReadEvent) || (NULL == pQhdr->hWriteEvent) ) // can't create Event objects!
      free( pQhdr->pszQueueName );
      free( pQhdr );
      return( (HANDLE)NULL ); 

   EnterCriticalSection( &gCS );    // prevent other threads from entering
   pQhdr->pNextHeader = gpQMaster;  // hook queue header into linked
   gpQMaster = pQhdr;               // list of queue headers
   LeaveCriticalSection( &gCS );    // release other threads

   return( (HANDLE)pQhdr );