CE-2800 Embedded Systems Software
Lab 8: Cruise Control
- Become familiar with assembly language program design and instructions
- Use assembly language branch instructions to implement conditional logic
- Use assembly language instructions to implement subroutines and
subroutine calls
- Use device driver subroutines to initialize and read the keypad
- Use the A/D subsystem to measure external voltages
- Use the interrupt subsystem of the Atmega32
- Use the timer/counter subsystem of the Atmega32
In this lab you will write a program that periodically injects a charge pulse
into an RC circuit (shown below), and measures the resulting voltage within the
circuit. By adjusting the injection interval, a near-constant voltage in the
range 0-5V can be maintained within the circuit. Holding the voltage at a
desired "set point" emulates the behavior of an automobile cruise control that
holds the speed of a car constant.
You will use two timers in the program: Timer/Counter0, configured for Fast
PWM mode, will be used to periodically inject a variable amount of charge
into the RC curcuit. Timer/Counter1 (a 16-bit T/C) will be used in Normal
mode to periodically trigger an A/D conversion that measures the voltage within
the RC circuit. The two timers run independently of each other.
You will also need to wire the RC circuit shown below on your breadboard. You can obtain
the parts from Tech Support.
Hardware Configuration of the Atmega32
- The LCD panel should be connected to the
- PortB configured for digital output on pins PB0 through PB3
(although all 8 pins may be configured for output).
- ControlPin connected to the OC0 output pin of Timer/Counter0.
- AnalogInput connected to input pin PA0. ADC configured to measure
voltage on this pin as described below.
- External interrupts on INT0 and INT1 enabled, as described below.
Program Functionality
Your "main" program should be
placed in a file named Lab8.asm,
and implement subroutines that:
- Initialize PortB for digital output
- Initialize/enables the ADC subsystem, ADC interrupts,
enables auto-trigger based on Timer/Counter1 overflow.
- Initialize the LCD display so that the first line displays "OCR0: " and the second line displays "Voltage: ".
- Configure the 8-bit Timer/Counter0 subsystem in Fast
PWM mode to produce a PWM
signal on OC0.
No interrupts are to be generated by this timer. You'll use the INT0 and
INT1 keys to control the duty cycle of the waveform generated on OC0,
as described below. By varying the duty cycle, you'll control the
amount of charge the system injects into the RC circuit, thus affecting the
voltage of the circuit.
- Handle the interrupts generated on the button-down actions of the INT0
and INT1 switches. When INT0 is pressed, decrement OCR0, print the
updated value of OCR0 to the LCD, and illuminate PB0. When INT1 is
pressed, increment OCR0, print the updated value to the LCD, and
illuminate PB1. Note that neither INT0 nor INT1 initiate any type of
A/D conversion (as they did in the previous lab).
- Configure the 16-bit Timer/Counter1 subsystem in Normal mode
to generate an Overflow interrupt every 0.26214 seconds.
This period is achieved by setting appropriate values to the Clock
Select settings for Timer/Counter1. Whenever this interrupt occurs, have
the corresponding ISR set PB2.
Configure the ADC subsystem (via SFIOR)
such that whenever the Timer/Counter1 Overflow interrupt occurs, the A/D
converter is automatically started and performs one conversion on the
appropriate input pin. When the AD conversion completes, an ADC
interrupt should be generated.
Whenever the ADC interrupt occurs upon AD conversion completion, have
the ADC ISR update the second line of the LCD with the current voltage,
and turn off PB0, PB1 and PB2. For example, if the value contained in OCR0 is
255, and the ADC measures 5v, the LCD should display the
following “OCR0: 0x00FF",
"Voltage: 0x03FF V”, where the top line displays the OCR0 value
and the second is the ADC measurement value.
After initializing the
various subsystems, your main program should enter an endless loop as it
did in the previous lab.
You are required to demonstrate your program to your instructor in phases. Start
by observing the LEDs of PortB.
This will provide you with a visual indication (via PB0, PB1,
and PB3)
that your program is somewhat functional. As you use the INT0 and INT1 switches to vary the duty
cycle of OC0,
you should observe a correspondingly varying degree of brightness on the LED
connected to PB3 as
it gets rapidly switched on and off. If this LED is completely off, it should
correspond to a OCR0 value
of 255; completely on corresponds to an OCR0 value
of 0. (Neither the automatic activation of the ADC by the T/C1 interrupt, nor
the LCD display are required to be finished by the end of lab.) However, this will count towards 20% of
your overall grade for this lab.
For the second phase, which must be demonstrated by the end of the second lab,
replace the LED board with the breadboard containing the RC circuitry. Connect
the ADC input pin to the capacitor lead. Simultaneously connect the capacitor to
the oscilloscope and display the voltage signal there. Complete the
implementation of both the automatic initiation of the AD conversion as well as
the LCD display logic, so that the LCD displays both the value contained within
the OCR0 register
as well as the voltage measured by the AD converter.
Lab Submission (due 11:00pm, Wednesday, February 8, 2012)
For your submission, you need only supply your working, fully commented
Upload your submission through
Blackboard (assignment "Lab 8").
Be sure to keep copies of all your files, in case something gets lost.
Your lab grade will be determined by the following
Program - comments and formatting are important
aspects of assembly language programming! And it has to work correctly.
Timeliness of
submission as stated in the
course policies.