Study Guide for Final Exam
Study the material according to the outcomes below. If
you can address these, you'll be prepared for the Final Exam
Course outcomes to date:
- Understand the semantic behavioral differences (from a user's
perspective) between a List, a Stack, and a Queue.
- Explain what operations are supported by a (pure) Queue
- Explain what operations are supported by a (pure) Stack
- Explain what operations are supported by a List.
- Be able to
analyze the time complexity of algorithms, both
sequential and recursive.
- Derive analytical expressions f(n) for worst-time complexity
of arbitrary algorithms
- Determine Big-O worst-case time complexity of arbitrary algorithms
- Determine the performance advantage of one algorithm vs. another,
given the time complexity of each.
- Have a thorough
understanding of commonly used library data structures
- Explain the differences in internal structure between ArrayList, LinkedList, TreeMap,
TreeSet, HashSet,
and HashMap
- Explain the differences between singly-linked and doubly-linked lists.
- Explain what specific behavior is implemented by data structures
such as Stack and Queue (even though these structures may use an ArrayList or LinkedList internally)
- Implement a secondary data structure (such as a queue or stack)
according to a specified interface
- Explain and estimate the performance differences between these data
for various algorithmic operations, such as add(), contains(target),
remove(index), and get(index).
- Indicate whether a given Binary Tree is also a Binary Search Tree
- Identify whether a given Binary Search Tree is a Red/Black tree,
according to the rules of Red/Black trees.
- Determine the effect of rotations when applied to nodes of Binary Search
- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of various data structures
in terms of performance (speed) of specific methods, as well as in terms
of memory usage.
- Determine the effect on performance for a Binary Search Tree which
is balanced vs. unbalanced.
- Determine the effect on performance for a HashMap or HashSet when
the table has many vs. few index collisions.
- Explain the differences between a simple Binary Search Tree and an AVL-balanced
Binary Search
- Write a custom hashCode() method for user-defined classes
- Determine what attributes of a specific data element would be
suitable to form a unique Key to be used in a HashMap
- Determine the index in a hash table a specified key, with a
specified hashcode, would map.
- Illustrate the relationship between elements stored in a hashtable,
including the case where collisions occur
- Determine/use appropriate
algorithms (and associated data structures) to solve
complex problems.
- Given a an example of an application which uses a data structure,
justify the choice of one type of data
structure over another.
- Understand the
use of recursion in problem solving
- Write recursive methods to perform specific algorithms, such
as traversing the internal structure of a Binary Search Trees