CS4220 Final Exam
Online - You may access any reference material for this part. Submission via Blackboard (or email/USB as a fallback).

The exam will consist of implementation of partially-completed code provided to you, as well as some short-response Q/A.
Review the sample code (AjaxIntro.zip, StudentServlet.zip, SecureApp.zip) and quiz solutions posted on the course website.

2-hour time limit. The Blackboard submission will close at 10am.

1. Design and implement web pages using JSP, HTML5 and CSS.

2. Script elements of the BOM and DOM using JavaScript and jQuery.

3. Implement a dynamic web application that uses servlets to process form data submitted from an HTML page.

4. Use JavaScript or jQuery to generate an Ajax request to a server and process a response.

5. Write a JSP servlet that generates a JSON or XML response to an Ajax request.

6. Write an XML or JSON representation of structured information.

7. Describe the elements of the DD that configure security and authentication.