W6 Homework Assignment


1) Write a program that prompts the user to enter some input, which can be any sequence of arbitrary characters, such as 1er$^ #sdL';[3oD. Use a for-loop to iterate through each character in the input. Within the for-loop, use conditional logic (if-else if or switch) along with appropriate methods from the Character class (hint: look at the methods beginning with "is" to identify each character and determine whether it is:

When you run your program, it should produce output similar to that below (using the input above as an example). Hint: the format specifier needed to output a character is %c; to output a string, use %s.

Enter some input (anything): 1er$^ #sdL';[3oD

You entered 1er$^ #sdL';[3oD, which contains    16 characters. 

At index   0, the character 1 is a digit. 
At index   1, the character e is a lowercase letter. 
At index   2, the character r is a lowercase letter. 
At index   3, the character $ is something else. 
At index   4, the character ^ is something else. 
At index   5, the character   is white space. 
At index   6, the character # is something else. 
At index   7, the character s is a lowercase letter. 
At index   8, the character d is a lowercase letter. 
At index   9, the character L is an uppercase letter. 
At index  10, the character ' is something else. 
At index  11, the character ; is something else. 
At index  12, the character [ is something else. 
At index  13, the character 3 is a digit. 
At index  14, the character o is a lowercase letter. 
At index  15, the character D is an uppercase letter. 


 * HW6 Solution
 * 10/2009
package forExamples;

import java.util.Scanner;

 * @author hornick
 * This program analyzes the characters in a String
public class HW6 {

	 * @param args
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		System.out.print("Enter some input (anything): " );
		Scanner kbdReader = new Scanner( System.in );

		String input = kbdReader.nextLine();
		int length = input.length();
		System.out.printf("You entered %s, which contains %5d characters. \n", input, length );

		for( int index = 0; index< input.length(); index++ ) {
			// Note: read sections 5.4 and 5.5 of the textbook again, regarding "wrapper classes"
			// for primitive datatypes. The String.charAt method actually returns a char datatype,
			// but I'm using a Character datatype (Character is a wrapper class for char) to
			// contain the return value. I can use a Character where a char is expected because Java
			// implements a convenience feature called "boxing" and "unboxing". I need to use the
			// Character class because it has methods that I can call. Primitive datatypes like char
			// are not classes and thus don't have any methods.
			Character c = input.charAt(index); // get the character at the specified index
			System.out.printf("At index %3d, the character %c is ", index, c); // echo it
			if( Character.isDigit(c) ) { // is the character a numerical digit?
				System.out.printf("a digit. \n" );
			} else if( Character.isLowerCase(c) ) { // is it lowercase?
				System.out.printf("a lowercase letter. \n" );
			} else if( Character.isUpperCase(c) ) { // is it uppercase?
				System.out.printf("an uppercase letter. \n" );	
			} else if( Character.isWhitespace(c) ) { // is it a space or tab?
				System.out.printf("white space. \n" );	
			} else {								// it's something else
				System.out.printf("something else. \n" );				

				//NOTE: There are also lots of additional Character class methods we can invoke if
				// we wanted to determine more specifically what the character is. See, for
				// example, the methods isLetter() or isJavaIdentifierStart().
			} // end while
