SE-1011 Software Development 1
Lab 4: Temperature Converter Revisited



In this lab, you will write a program that uses a dialog box to prompt the user for a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, computes the equivalent temperature in degrees Celsius, and outputs the result in a dialog box, along with an additional note indicating whether the temperature is frigid, cold, ideal, warm, or hot.

Detailed requirements

Study these requirements before implementing your program. This assignment requires you to construct a flowchart before you begin coding.


Test your program and make certain that it works correctly, both for valid and invalid inputs. As before, add comments to the end of your program that describe these tests and their results. Be sure your test values force your program through every condition that your program is designed to handle. Think about this carefully - there are quite a few different conditions.

Remember: While you may discuss the concepts with your classmates, you must write your own program. You may not copy or borrow code from your classmates. If you do, you will be given a grade of 0 and reported.

Lab Submission (due by end of lab)

Submit your assignment following these instructions:

  1. Hand in your flowchart to your instructor.
  2. Upload your .java file through WebCT (assignment "Lab 4: Revised Temperature Converter").
Be sure to keep copies of all your java files, in case something gets lost.

Your grade will be based on the following criteria: