Homework #1 Assignment

1) Complete the last four methods of the partially-implemented program below.  Submit your .java file Week 1 Homework via Blackboard before the beginning of lab on Friday (see the Blackboard deadline). You will be required to demo your program during lab.

 * @author hornick
 * This class/program creates arrays and ArrayLists, fills them with values, and computes the averages of the values
public class CollectionApp {

	 * @param args
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		double numArray[] = null; // a primitive array that holds a collection of doubles
		ArrayList<Double> numList = null; // a JCF collection class that holds a collection of Doubles
		System.out.println("Enter a low and a high value: ");
		Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in);
		int low = kbd.nextInt();
		int high = kbd.nextInt();
		numArray = fillArray( low, high ); // create and fill the array
		numList = fillArrayList( low, high ); // create and fill the ArrayList
		double avg1 = getArrayAvg( numArray );
		double avg2 = getArrayListAvg( numList );
		System.out.println("Array avg=" + avg1 + ", ArrayList avg=" + avg2 );
	 * This method allocates and fills an array with the values from the specified low to the specified high;
         * for example, if low is -1 and high is 3, then the array will hold -1, 0, 1, 2, 3
	 * @param low - the lowest value in the array
	 * @param high - the highest value in the array
	 * @return - reference to the created non-empty array of doubles
	public static double[] fillArray( int low, int high ) {
		// put your additional code here that allocates and fills the array
		// return the reference to the new array
	 * This method allocates and fills an ArrayList with the values from the specified low to the specified high values
         * for example, if low is -1 and high is 3, then the ArrayList will hold -1, 0, 1, 2, 3
	 * @param low - the lowest value in the ArrayList
	 * @param high - the highest value in the ArrayList
	 * @return - reference to the created non-empty ArrayList of Doubles
	public static ArrayList<Double> fillArrayList( int low, int high ) {
		// put your additional code here that allocates and fills the ArrayList

		// return the reference to the new ArrayList
	 * This method computes the average of the values in the specified array
	 * @param numArray - reference to an array of values, created elsewhere
	 * @return - the average of the values within the array
	public static double getArrayAvg( double numArray[] ) {
		// put your additional code here that computes and returns the average
	 * This method computes the average of the values in the specified ArrayList
	 * @param numList - reference to an ArrayList of values, created elsewhere
	 * @return - the average of the values within the ArrayList
	public static double getArrayListAvg( ArrayList<Double> numList ) {
		// put your additional code here that computes and returns the average