SE-2800 Software Engineering Process
GPS App review


bulletReview the GPS App that was developed by teams in SE2030
bulletEnter Defects from that version of the app into Jira


When a team completes a sprint, they review the outcome - that is, what they produced during that sprint. This gives the team and product owner a chance to evaluate the application, including identifying defects that may have to be addressed in a future sprint.

In this activity, you'll be reviewing the result of the SE2030 GPS App project, which implemented User Stories 1 and 2. You'll enter any bugs you find into the Product Backlog your populated with User Stories the other day - however, you'll enter them as Defects rather than User Stories.

In upcoming sprints here in SE2800, you'll extend the functionality by implementing additional User Stories (as well as fixing Defects) selected from the Product Backlog.


Get the code in your Bitbucket repository to run and make sure that everyone on the team can build and run the old application. Your instructor will place GPX files into your team's repository, so be prepared to pull the latest files in the repo to your laptop in order run the test files.

Demonstrate the working app to your instructor.

Note all Defects that exist in this version of the application. Using Jira, add the Defects to the Product Backlog.