SE-2800 Coding Standard

All source code merged into the dev branch must use Java naming conventions and JavaDoc commenting conventions which meet the minimum documentation standards below:

Each public class method should contain the following documentation:

Private class methods do not have to be documented nearly as thoroughly (since the methods are only used within the class), although good practice would be to minimally comment any non-obvious code - for future maintenance by you or others.

All class methods and variables should be named appropriately to ease reading and maintenance. Class names are capitalized and are nouns or noun phrases indicating what they represent, such as Analyzer, Coordinate, or PrimaryUI. Method names are camel-cased and are verbs or verb phrases indicating what they do, such as computeSpeed(), showResults(), or notifyUI().

It is a good idea to group related classes into packages, particularly when the code base becomes large. Test code and application code should ALWAYS be in separate packages.