SE-2800 Software Engineering Process
Sprint 1 Simulation



In SE2030, once you started working on your project, there was no way of knowing at any given time (other than using intuitive guesswork) how much work you had accomplished, or how much work you still had left before the end.

In Scrum (as well as in other software processes) - developers log and track the time spent in order to be able to better ascertain a project's status. Software process tools - such as Jira - make this fairly easy to do. In this assignment, you will use Jira to SIMULATE the execution of a Sprint - meaning the execution of the tasks you added to the User Stories in the last session. You won't actually be DOING those tasks (since they were completed in SE2030), but you'll be logging time as if you were.



Creating a Sprint

One team member should create a sprint (the blue button at the top right of the backlog page). Don't start it yet! Meet with your instructor first.

Starting the Sprint 

Now that all the subtasks are refined, assigned, and estimated (effort), one person can “start
the sprint”. The end date should be next Tuesday, one hour after the start of class. Wait for your instructor to give you the go-ahead.

Executing the Sprint 

Between the sprint start and sprint end, every person on the team must log time to their tasks on a daily basis.

Stopping the Sprint 

Do not stop/end the sprint yourself! Together with your instructor, you will end the sprint in class next Tuesday.


Your grade for your sprint plan will be based on the following:

  1. 10pts per day (Th, F, Sa, Su, Mo) executing the sprint (ie logging time and transitioning the subtasks) as described above