SE-2800 Software Engineering Process
Using Jira to create User Stories for the Product Backlog
- become familiar with using Jira to create a Product Backlog
containing User Stories
Before a team can begin executing sprints (including designing, implementing,
and testing code), the required features of the product/application must be gathered and
learned to some extent, as well as which features have highest priorities.
In this work session, you will be using Jira to create the (initial)
Backlog by creating and entering User
Stories that describe the features of the application you'll be
The User Stories for the application can be found
here, or on the SE2800 main web
Within your team, split up the User Stories below among team members, so that
each member of the team enters at least two of User Stories into Jira.
As a team, review the entered User Stories and make sure that they have been
entered and formatted correctly, and that each Story contains Acceptance
Criteria (below) that make sense.
Instructions for entering User Stories
An example of entering a user story (from a previous SE2800 project) is shown below.
Enter each User Story into Jira via the Create Issue dialog, which you invoke by pressing the
Create link on the Jira Screen when viewing your Agile Board.
- Make sure the appropriate project is selected in the Project
- Make sure you select Story from the Issue Type
- In Scrum, Product Backlog Items (PBI's) are comprised of
User Stories,
Defects, Internal Improvements (i.e. improving old code),
Ceremonies, and Knowledge Acquisition
items (we'll discuss these later). For now, you'll just enter User
Stories; later, you will add Defects, and you may also find that you need to
add Internal Improvements or Knowledge Acquisition items; note, however, you
will NOT be using Ceremonies.
- Fill out only the Summary and Description fields.
Other fields exist if you scroll the dialog, but you should not enter data
in them at this point.
- Recall that the User Story form is generally as follows: "As a <type of user>, we need
<feature A> [so that <value proposition>]". A User Story also indicates
Acceptance Criteria that, when met, mean that the feature
satisfies requirements (but maybe not yet done!). As you complete
sprints later, you'll again use these Acceptance Criteria/requirements
to validate that the feature truly is functional and complete.
Recall also that a basic tenet of Scrum is that these are unlikely to be
known completely or with 100% certainty up-front, and that more
knowledge will emerge with time, possibly resulting in changes to
features and priorities - determined by the Product Owner (NOT the
developers). The details of various features may be known to varying
degrees (requiring a discussion between the developers and the Product
Owner), and the need/priority for certain features may not become known
until a later date.
- Each User Story description must
include Acceptance Criteria which further clarify the
requirements. You must add the names of the test files you will use to
verify the Acceptance Criteria. The expected outcome(s) from loading the
test files must be listed; this allows tests to be executed later by
other persons who can compare the expected outcomes to the actual
outcomes to ensure that the Acceptance Criteria are achieved. INITIALLY,
leave placeholders for the expected outcomes - you will not know these
now and will modify the User Stories later (during a sprint) as you work
on testing and validation tasks.
- The Summary field should contain an abbreviated
version of the User Story (for example, for User Story 1: "Import GPX
Files"; for User Story 2: "Display Path Metrics")
- Note that requirements may not be stated in
exhaustive detail - for instance, there may be no criteria that state exactly
how the user interface should appear (although sometimes it is, and mockups or
sketches may accompany the Acceptance Criteria). Generally, at
the beginning of a project, you will be responsible for eliciting details with
help from the Product Owner. SE students will learn more about this in SE3821, and
practice it in depth in SDL (SE3010-3020-3030).
- Edit the styles in the Description text field by using the
formatting functions so that each Acceptance Criterion is a separate
bullet point.
![user story entry dialog](img6.jpg)