SE-2811 Software Component Design
Final Exam info
Allowed: 1 sheet (double-sided) of notes
Comprehensive, emphasis on lab-related Patterns
- Identify patterns based on description of what they do (incl project
- UML diagrams
- Code completion (given incomplete code, apply pattern - as with recent
- Short answer/explanatory (review all lecture notes)
- Explain the context, intent, and motivation of a specific Pattern
- Select the appropriate pattern to apply to a given
- Describe the primary features (and potential drawbacks) of
a specific Pattern
- List/draw the main classes of each pattern, and the role/purpose of
each class in the Pattern
- List or implement the principal methods of each main class
- Apply the pattern to a specified application (contex
Specific Patterns we covered
- Observer
- Decorator
- Singleton
- Composite
- Factory/Abstract Factory/Factory Method
- Command
- Strategy
- Visitor