SE2840 Final Exam
Online - You may access any reference material for this part.

The exam will consist of two parts.

Part 1 will be similar to previous online quizzes and consist of a number of true/false, multiple choice, and short answer problems on all topics covered in the course (except GeoLocation, Audio, or Video). This part will likely take about 10-20 minutes to complete.

Part 2 will require you to complete the implementation of incomplete code provided to you, similar to the midterm.
Submission will be via Blackboard (or email as a fallback).

Review your lab work as well as the examples posted on the course website.

2-hour time limit. The Blackboard submission will close promptly.

The implementation may require all of the following:

1. Design and implement web pages using HTML5 and CSS.

2. Script elements of the BOM and DOM on the client-side using JavaScript and jQuery.

3. Use JavaScript and jQuery on the client-side to generate an Ajax request to a web server and process a given JSON response.

4. Within a NodeJS/Express server, extract information from a Mongo database.

5. Write NodeJS/Express server code that generates a JSON response to an Ajax request from a client via a specific url.

6. Within a NodeJS server, generate a JSON representation of structured information. Know how to use JSON.parse and JSON.stringify in order to avoid writing JSON strings manually, since small errors in syntax are hard to find and correct.