Day 1
- Derive canonical sum-of-product equations
from a multi-input truth table.
- Define these terms of Boolean algebra:
literal, product, minterm, sum, maxterm.
- Identify the literals, products, and
minterms in canonical sum-of-product equations.
- Draw canonical sum-of-product equations
using logic gate symbols.
- Calculate the number and type of ideal
gates required to implement an equation by inspecting the
equation. Use names like AND2 for a 2-input AND
gate or OR4 for a 4-input OR gate. Remember that
ideal gates can have any number of inputs.
- Identify the circuit elements and circuit
nodes in a schematic of a 2-level canonical equation.
- Use Quartus to design and simulate canonical circuits.
Day 2
- Derive more examples of canonical
sum-of-products equations from a multi-input truth table.
- Draw more examples of canonical
sum-of-products equations using logic gate symbols.
- Write canonical equations in sum-of-minterm
(Σ) shorthand notation (also known as sigma notation).
- Derive canonical product-of-sum equations
using a multi-input truth table.
- Draw canonical product-of-sum equations
using logic gate symbols.
- Write canonical equations in
product-of-maxterm (Π) shorthand notation (also known as pi notation).
- Draw ideal timing diagrams of canonical
- Use Quartus to design and simulate canonical circuits.
Day 3
- Write the five axioms of Boolean algebra.
- Write the Boolean algebra identify theorem
- Write the Boolean algebra null element theorem
- Write the Boolean algebra idempotency theorem
- Write the Boolean algebra involution theorem
- Write the Boolean algebra complements theorem
- Recognize that commutativity,
associativity, and distributivity from decimal algebra also work
when organizing and factoring Boolean algebra.
- Write the Boolean algebra covering theorem
- Write the Boolean algebra combining theorem
- Write the Boolean algebra De Morgan's Theorem
- Draw the alternate symbols for NAND and NOR
suggested by De Morgan's Theorem. State why
these symbols are called duals.
- List the rules of bubble pushing that
result from De Morgan's Theorem.
- Use the laws of Boolean algebra to reduce
canonical equations to minimized equations.
Instructor Led Laboratory Examples
- Implement canonical equations in Quartus
using VHDL gate-level architecture with
keywords not, and, or, etc.
- Simulate the VHDL circuit using the Quartus
waveform editor.