Day 1
- Write the truth table for a 2:1 multiplexer.
- Derive the K-map minimized equation for a
2:1 multiplexer.
- Draw the gate-level circuit for a 2:1
- Build 4:1, 8:1, and 16:1 multiplexers using
2:1 multiplexers.
- Implement canonical equations using n:1
- Use Quartus to design and simulate multiplexer circuits.
Day 2
- Use words to describe the behavior of a decoder.
- Describe the one-hot condition of decoder outputs.
- Write the truth table for a 2:4 decoder.
- Derive the canonical equations for the 2:4 decoder output.
- Use Boolean algrebra and K-maps to determine if the 2:4 decoder output equations can be reduced.
- Draw the final circuit of a 2:4 decoder.
- Draw the standard logic symbol for a 2:4 decoder.
- Extend the techniques used to design a 2:4 decoder to a 3:8 decoder.
- Use Quartus to design and simulate decoder circuits.
Day 3
- Use words to describe the behavior of a encoder.
- Describe the difference between a standard encoder and a priority encoder.
- State why priority encoders are preferred components. In other words, what disadvantage of standard encoders is removed by the priority encoder.
- Write the truth table for a 4:2 priority encoder.
- Derive the canonical equations for the 4:2 priority encoder.
- Use Boolean algrebra and K-maps to determine if the 4:2
priority encoder output equations can be reduced.
- Draw the final circuit of a 4:2 priority encoder.
- Draw the standard logic symbol for a 4:2 priority encoder.
- Extend the techniques used to design a 4:2 priority encoder to an 8:3 priority encoder.
- Use Quartus to design and simulate encoder circuits.
Instructor Led Laboratory Examples
- Implement canonical equations as
multiplexers in Quartus using a VHDL with-select
- Simulate the VHDL circuit using the Quartus
waveform editor.