Day 1
- Describe the VHDL process statement syntax.
- State the role of the VHDL process statement
sensitivity list.
- Describe clock edges using VHDL signal attribute
syntax (name'event or name'stable).
- Describe clock edges using the VHDL IEEE
standard logic library macros rising_edge and falling_edge.
- Write a VHDL description of a 4-bit
- Simulate the 4-bit register using Quartus.
- Describe the use of generics in VHDL.
- Write the VHDL description of an n-bit wide
- Simulate the n-bit wide register in Quartus.
- Write the VHDL description of an n-bit wide
register with asynchronous reset and load control.
- Simulate the n-bit wide register with
asynchronous reset and load control in Quartus.
Day 2
- Draw the state diagram for a Moore FSM to
be designed.
- Convert the design state diagram into a
design state table.
- Implement the design FSM using VHDL abstract
state types, when-else, and with-select statements.
- Simulate the state machine to verify correct
Day 3
- Draw the state diagram for a Moore FSM to
be designed.
- Convert the design state diagram into a
design state table.
- Implement the design FSM using VHDL abstract
state types and case statements.
- Simulate the state machine to verify correct