Day 1
- Draw the state diagram for a Moore or Mealy FSM to be
- Convert the design state diagram into a
design state table.
- Describe the use of the VHDL keyword type to declare
a user enumerated list of abstract state names.
- Implement the state machine using when-else, process, and with-select
blocks for the next state, memory, and output signal logic blocks.
Use signals D and Q of abstract state type.
- Simulate the state machine to verify operation.
- Examine the Quartus state machine viewer to verify the generated FSM.
- Use the Quartus Advanced Synthesis Compiler Settings to control the
state machine encoding. Verify the encoding in the state machine viewer.
- Describe how the VHDL constant keyword can be used to declare
state encodings, seven-segment display encodings, etc.
Day 2
- Draw the state diagram for a Moore or Mealy FSM to be
- Convert the design state diagram into a
design state table.
- Implement the state machine using abstract state types and
a single state machine process based on the switch-case mechanism.
- Describe the VHDL switch-case mechanism (case-when, if-then-else, end case).
- Simulate the state machine to verify operation.
- Examine the Quartus state machine viewer to verify the generated FSM.
- Use the Quartus VHDL state encoding attribute to control the
state machine encoding. Verify the encoding in the state machine
- Justify the use of the all keyword in the VHDL process
sensitivity list.
Day 3
- This day is reserved for review, expanded coverage, or mid-term exams for
instructors giving mid-terms.