BM 241                                                                     No. of hrs/week =03

                                                                                    No. of credits=03

1) Introduction: What is a signal? What is a system? Classification of signals, basic operations on signals, elementary signals, properties of systems.                                    4hrs

2) Time domain representations for linear Time- Invarient systems: Introduction, convolution, Impulse response representation for LTI systems, properties of impulse response representation for  LTI systems.                                                                  4hrs

3)    Fourier representation of signals and its applications: Introduction, Discrete-time periodic signals, continuous-time periodic signals, Fourier Series, Discrete time non-periodic signals, fourier transform, properties of fourier transform, fourier transform representation for periodic signals. Sampling, reconstruction of continuous time signals.                                                                                                                              7hrs

4)   Laplace transform and its inverse: Introduction, properties.                                             5hrs

5)   Z- transform and its inverse: Introduction, properties                                           5hrs

6)  Amplitude and Frequency modulation systems: Frequency translation, Double sideband modulation, Single side band modulation, Generation and Detection methods, Vestigial  side band modulation, Phase & frequency modulator, FM spectral analysis, FM bandwidth, FM generation and detection methods.                                                              7hrs

7) Pulse modulation systems: Sampling theorem, Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM), Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) and Pulse Code Modulation (PCM).                                                                                                                                 6hrs

8) Biomedical Telemetry : Introduction, Implanted transmitters and materials used, Sensing and Transmission of Physiological variables: pressure, temperature, bioelectric potentials sounds, flow.                                                                                                         6hrs

9) Clinical Application of Biotelemetry: Multichannel transmission and foetal studies, Inward power and Telestimulation, Hazardous environments, Care of critically ill, Electric shock hazards, Signal from sterile regions.                                        6hrs


1.       Haykin & Van Heen, “Signals and systems” , Wiley publications

2.      Oppenheim, “Signals & systems”, Wiley Publications

3.      George Kennedy, “Electronic Communication System”, 3rd ed. McGrawhill Co. 1984

4.      H. Taub and D.C Schilling, “Principles of communication system”,  2nd ed, MC Graw Hill Co. 1986

5.      S Haykin, “Communication Systems”, Wiley Publications

6.      R Stuart Mackay “ Biomedical Telemetry” IEEE press Edition2, 1993.