CE 232                                                                                                                                                          No.of hrs/week : 03+03

                                                                                                No.of credits : 04

1. Introduction :Introduction of surveying, objectives, classification, principles of surveying.

2. Leveling : Definitions of terms, leveling instruments.  Temporary and permanent adjustments of levels.    Terms : Station, height of instrument, back sight, intermediate sight, fore sight, change point.

Methods of leveling - Differential, profile, cross sectioning reciprocal, hypsometric, barometric and trigonometric leveling. 

Sensitivity of bubble tube, curvature and refraction effects.  Methods of booking,errors in leveling, plotting longitudinal and cross sections, measurement of volumes.                        10

3. Theodolite : Function of various parts.  Temporary and permanent adjustments.

Measurement of horizontal and vertical angles, setting out centre line of roads, buildings, transmission towers and machine foundations.  Traversing and its adjustments.  Errors in theodolite surveying.                                                                                                                    07

4.  Tacheometry : Definition, principles of stadia and tangential systems.

Instruments - Instrument constants, distance and elevation formulae for inclined and horizontal sights with staff vertical and normal for both fixed and movable hair tacheometers.                                                                                                                          06

5.  Contours - Contour interval, characteristics, contour maps and their use.  Methods of contouring, contour gradient.  Area and volume measurements from contour maps.   03

6.  Circular curves - simple curves - definition, notations, designation and elements of simple curve.

Curve setting by tangential angles method, two theodolite and tacheometric methods.

Compound, reverse and transition curves, Bernoulli's lemniscate, vertical curves types.   12



 CE 232                                 SURVEYING PRACTICE


Leveling : Differential leveling, cross sectioning and reciprocal leveling, sensitiveness of bubble tube.  Permanent adjustments.                                                                           - 4

Theodolite : Measurement of horizontal angles by repetition and reiteration methods.  Trignometrical leveling - single plane and double plane methods.  Theodolite traverse.         - 3

Tacheometer : Determination of tacheometer constants.  Measurement of distances and elevations.  Tacheometric traversing.                                                                               - 4

Contouring : Direct and indirect method of contouring, radial and block leveling.        - 2

Curve surveying : Setting out simple curves by the method of deflection angles.  Setting out compound curves by the method of deflection angles.

Setting out reverse curves when the straights meet at an acute angle and when the straight are parallel.

Setting out transition curves and combined curves.  Setting of Bernoulli's Lemniscates. - 5



1.         Surveying and field work - Vol 2 & 3 by B.C. Punmia.

2.         Plane and geodetic surveying - Vol 2 by David Clark.

3.         Surveying and leveling - Vol 2 by T.P. Kanetkar and Kulkarni.

4.         Higher Surveying by Norman Thomas.

5.         Surveying by Higgins.