CH 243                                                                                 No. of hrs/week =03

                                                                                                No. of credits =03

Electroanalytical Methods: Conductometric Titrations: The basic principles of conductometric titrations. Applications of conductometric titrations-Strong acids with strong bases, weak acids with strong bases, weak acid with weak bases and strong acid with weak bases. Mixture of strong and weak acids with strong base. Precipitation Titrations. Potentiometry-Electrode potential. Direct potentiometry, Indicator electrode, Classification, reference electrode, Glass electrode-assymetric potential, acid error and alkaline error, Ions selective electrode. Potentiometric Titrations: Principle, Location of end points, Neutralisation titration, oxidation reduction Titrations, precipitation titration, complexation titrations. Potentiometric titration in non aqueous solvents.


Polarography: Basic principles, Residual current, migration current, diffusion current, polarographic maximum. Half wave potential. Equipment for polarography, dropping mercury electrode, polarographic cell. Maximum suppressors. Evaluation of quantitative results. Wave- height concentration plot, Internal standard methods. Method of standard addition. Measurement of wave heights, polarograms, Applications Determination of cadmium, Ampherometric Titrations.


Spectroanalytical Methods: Rotational Spectra, Theory: Rigid diatomic molecules, Non-rigid diatomic molecules. Instrumentation, Applications. IR Spectroscopy: Theory-Molecule as a simple Harmonic Oscillator and an harmonic oscillator Rotational- Vibrational Spectra of a diatomic molecule. Modes of Vibrations of atoms in polytomic molecules. Instrumentation (double beam IR Spectrophotometer) Applications. Raman Spectroscopy: Mechanism of Raman effects. Applications. U. V. Visible spectroscopy: Theory- Types of transitions in Organic molecules Instrumentation. (Double beam spectrophotometer) Application-qualitative and quantitative, spectrophotometry. Beer-Lamberts Law and its deviations.


Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy: Theory Instrumentation (double beam spectrophotometer) Interference, applications. Thermal Analysis: Thermal methods of Analysis, Thermogravimetry Thermogram. Factors affecting Instrumentation, Application. Derivative Thermal Gravimetry (DTG}, Differential Thermal Analysis. (DTA) Factors affecting DTA. Instrumentation. Applications.


Chromatography: Introduction, Classification. Thin layer chromatography: Experimental

Techniques. Gas chromatography: Instrumentation, carrier gas, sample injection system, coloumns, Detectors-important properties (sensitivity, Linearity, stability, response} Thermal conducting detectors. Flame ionisation, Electron Capture detectors. Temperature control, evaluation, retention volume. Resolution, Application (Qualitative and quantitative}. Liquid Chromatography: High performance liquid chromatography scope, coloumn efficiency of liquid Chromatography.


NMR Spectro scopy : Theory of NMR spectro scopy -chemical shift -spin -spin coupling

instrumentation. Applications. X-ray spectro scopy : Production of X-rays -X-ray absorption method. X-ray emission method. X-ray fluoroscence method. Instrumentation -Applications.


Reference Books

  1. Vogel's Text Book of Quantitative Analysis IV th edition ELBS Longman.
  2. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis: G. CHATWAL and S; ANAND Himalaya Publishing House.
  3. Instrumental Methods of Analysis Willard: MERRIT & DEAN. 6th edition CBS Publishers.
  4. Principles of Instrumental Analysis: SCOOG and LEARY, 4th edition Sounders College Publishers
  5. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectra: C. N. BANEWELL. TMH edition 3rd edition. Tata McGraw Publishers.
  6. Principles of Physical Chemistry : PURl SHARMA and PATANIA. S.L.N. Chand Publishers.