CS 232                                                                                  No. of hrs/week=04+03

                                                                                                No. of credits = 05

Course Objectives: This course will introduce the concepts of general aspects of stored program computers. The popular microprocessor Intel 8086 and micro controller Motorola M68HC11 will be used as the vehicles for exemplifying these concepts. The study of these processors, however will be limited to the programming viewpoint of using these processors.

The laboratory exercises deal with a wide range of problems covering the above topics. The students are expected to develop well-structured codes and submit fully documented reports for each laboratory exercise.


1.Introduction:Introduction to Microprocessor, Microprocessor based system(an  example).Architecture of 8086,Segmentation and memory addressing in 8086,Addressing modes of 8086.                                                          6 hrs

2. Assembly Language Programming:

   Assembly Language, Assemblers for PC, Assembler Directives, Data movement instructions, Arithmetic and Logic instructions, String instructions, Program control instructions-Interrupts, Macros and Procedures, Assembling, linking and debugging programs                                                                                                     18 hrs


3.I/O services: BIOS ,DOS

Use of BIOS and DOS interrupts, using the keyboard and Video Display.           6 hrs



4. Motorola M68HC11 Microcontroller

   General description, Block diagram, Pin Connections, BUFFALO ROM system commands, Modes of operation, Mode control pins, Addressing modes, instruction set, Interrupts, Parallel I/O                                                                  20 hrs


Text books:

1.      Doughlas V. Hall, “Microprocessors and Interfacing, programming and Hardware”, Tata McGraw Hill Publications Ltd.

2.     Barry B. Brey,”The Intel Microprocessors”,PHI

3.     Steven Armbrust and Ted Forgeon, “Programmer’s Manual for IBM Personal Computers”, Intel Handbook,Galgotia Publications Ltd.

4.     John C. Skroder, “Using the M68HC11 Microcontroller”


Assembly Language Programming Lab

Programs highlighting the use of all important Intel 8086 instructions

Programs using keyboard and display interrupts

Programs using M68HC11 instruction set using the simulator