EC 241 No.of hrs./week= 03+03
No. of credits = 04
1. Diodes :
The ideal diode: Current -Voltage characteristic, diode logic gates.
Terminal characteristic of Junction diodes Forward bias region, Reverse bias region, Break down region.
Modeling of the diode forward characteristic exponential model, graphical analysis using the exponential model, iterative analysis using the exponential model, the need for rapid analysis, the piecewise - linear model, Constant Voltage Drop model, Ideal Diode model, small signal model, use of the diode forward drop in voltage regulation.
Operation in the reverse breakdown region : Zener diode, use of Zener as shunt regulator, temperature effects.
Rectifier circuits: half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier, bridge rectifier, rectifier with a filter capacitor the peak rectifier, precision half wave rectifier the super diode.
Limiting and clamping circuits: limiter circuits, clamped capacitor or dc restorer, voltage doublers.
Special diodes: Schottky barrier diode (SBD), Varactor, photo diodes, LEDs. 10 hrs
2. Bipolar Junction Transistors:
Device structure and physical operation :- simplified structure and modes of operation, operation of the npn transistor in the active mode, structure of actual transistors, Ebers Moll model, operation in the saturation mode, the pnp transistor.
Current Voltage characteristic : Circuit symbols and
conventions, graphical representation of transistor characteristics, dependence
of on
the Collector Voltage - The Early effect, Common Emitter characteristic,
transistor breakdown.
BJT as an Amplifier and Switch : Large signal operation the transfer characteristic, amplifier gain, Graphical analysis, operation as a switch.
Biasing in BJT amplifier circuits : The classical discrete circuit bias arrangement, a Two Power Supply version of the classical bias arrangement, biasing using Collector to Base Feedback Resistor, biasing using a Constant Current source.
Transistor at low frequency : graphical analysis of the CE configuration, two port devices and hybrid model, transistor hybrid model, the h-parameters, conversion formulas for the parameters of the three transistor configurations, analysis of a transistor amplifier circuit using h parameters, emitter follower, comparison of transistor amplifier configuration, linear analysis of a transistor circuit, millers theorem and its dual, cascading transistor amplifiers, simplified common emitter hybrid model, simplified calculation for the common collector configuration, the common emitter amplifier with an emitter resistance, High input - resistance transistor circuits references.
Power Amplifiers Types. Qualitative analysis of power amplifiers 14 hours
3. MOS filed effect transistors (MOSFET):
Device structure and physical operation device structure, operation with
no gate voltage, creating a channel for current flow, applying a small , operation as
is increased,
Derivation of
relationship, p-
channel MOSFET, complementary MOS or CMOS, Operating the MOS transistor in the
sub threshold region.
Current - Voltage characteristic Circuit symbol, -
characteristic, , finite output
resistance in saturation, characteristics of the p-channel MOSFET, Role of the
substrate body effect, temperature effects, breakdown and input protection.
MOSFET as a amplifier and as a Switch Large signal; operation the transfer characteristic, graphical derivation of the transfer characteristic, Operation as switch, operation as a linear amplifier.
Biasing the MOS amplifier circuits Biasing by fixing , biasing by
by connecting a resistance in the source, biasing by connecting a drain to
source resistor, biasing by using constant current source.
Small signal equivalent circuit.
Single stage MOS amplifiers the basic structure, characterizing amplifiers, common - source amplifier, common - source amplifier with a source resistance, common - drain or source - follower amplifier.
Depletion type MOSFET
Comparison of FET and BJT typical values of MOSFET parameters, typical values of IC BJT parameters, comparison of important characteristic, combining MOS and BJT BiCMOS circuits. 14 hours
4. Operation amplifiers:
The ideal Opamp op-amp terminals, function and characteristic of the ideal op-amp, differential and common- mode signals.
Inverting configuration Closed loop gain, effect of finite open-loop gain, input and output resistance, weighted summer, phase shifter.
Non inverting configuration closed loop gain, characteristics of the non inverting configuration, effect of finite open loop gain, voltage follower.
Difference amplifiers single op-amp difference amplifier, Instrumentation amplifier.
Large signal operation of op-amps: output voltage saturation, output current limits, slew rate, full power bandwidth.
DC imperfections: offset voltage, input bias and offset currents.
Integrators and differentiators: inverting configuration with general impedance, the inverting integrator, op-amp differentiator.
Op-amp Astable and Monostable multivibrator, Schmitt trigger circuit, function generator.
10 hours
5. Timer IC: 555 circuit, astable and mono stable multivibrator, VCO, time delay circuits. 2 hours
Reference Books :
10. Roy and Choudhary Linear ICs
11. Donald A Neamen , Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design
Experiment 1: Diode V I Characteristic, R C Low pass filter, center tapped diode rectifier with & without R-C low pass filter.
Experiment 2: Diode clipper, clamper, voltage doubler, logic gates.
Experiment 3:Zener diode V I characteristic, Zener shunt regulator, series voltage regulator.
Experiment 4: Characteristics of photodiodes, circuits using photodiodes, LEDs and Varactor diodes.
Experiment 5: Transistor input and output characteristic, transistor as a switch, transistor as a amplifier (R C coupled amplifier)
Experiment 6: MOSFET input and output characteristic, FET amplifier, FET as a voltage variable Resistor.
Experiment 7: Opamp application: Inverting and non inverting amplifier, difference amplifier, Integrator, differentiator, adder, astable multivibrator, waveform generation.
Experiment 8: Timer 555 application: Astable & Monostable multivibrator, time delay circuits, VCO.
Experiment 9, 10, 11: Experiments on Spice simulation of above circuits.
Circuits will be built using either spring board or bread board.