HS 111                                                                                  No.  of hours/week=03

                                                                                                No. of credits =03


Introduction to the field of psychology- Definition, scope, methods and systems of psychology.                                                                                                                        (2 hrs)


Concept of Normality- Mental health, statistical and ideal perspectives.                    (2hrs)


Stress – Definition, nature, sources, measurement, beneficial and hazardous effects of stress, theories of stress emotion, adaptation to stress (self- protective responses, direct-control responses and direct- action responses), stress and illness.                              (9 hrs)


Personality – Definition, types, normal personality styles, theories (trait, psychodynamic, humanistic, behavioral, biological and social – cognitive) personality development over the life span, personality assessment, personality and adjustment.                                   (5hrs)


Life Cycle – Models of life cycle, physical, language, social- emotional, cognitive and moral development, the influences of families, occupational choices, culture, periods of stability and instability, early experiences and later development.                                       (6 hrs)


Normal Adaptation – Measuring normal adaptation, primary and secondary characteristics of normal adaptation, the issues related to maintaining normal adaptation, coping with stress (emotion – and problem – focused forms of coping).                                        (3hrs)


Temporary Overload Condition – Primary and secondary characteristics, outcomes of this state and issues related to better adaptation.                                                            (2hrs.)


Crisis Reactions – Primary and Secondary characteristics, stages of crisis reaction, outcome and assisting people in crisis.                                                                                              (3hrs)


Neurotic Disorders – definition, types, primary and secondary characteristics, assisting people with neurotic disorders.                                                                                           (4hrs)


Death and Dying  - Attitudes toward death and dying, grief, dealing with our own death and anxiety.                                                                                                                                (2hrs)


Therapy – Psychoanalysis and cognitive, behavior and humanistic therapies.               (4hrs)


Understanding Others- Thoughts about others (attribution, attitudes), feelings about others (prejudice and discrimination, interpersonal attraction) actions towards others (social influence), guidelines for normal adaptation.                                                                 (3hrs)



CHARLES G. MORRIS Contemporary Psychology and Effective Behaviour; Scott foreman,   7th edition, 1990